




Fixing Cracking and Popping Sound on my Mac
Hi everyone, I think I solved my problem of cracking and popping sounds. I have a MacBook Pro 16 M1 - 16 Go RAM (sorry in advance for my english : I'm French :-D 1— Everything was working fine with the sound when the MBpro M1 was running the factory version of MacOS. As soon as I made an update to Monterey, BOOM ! The cracking and popping sounds started. I think I try everything described on the internet and nothing solved it really. 2— I try a last thing : starting the Mac without any extensions. The problems with the sound were suddenly gone. So I figured out the problem could be an app running on my Mac. 3— So I started my Mac on normal mode to desactivate manually a few things running in the background. I found that the app "Magnet" (an non-Apple app I used to organize my windows) could be a troublemaker because the sound problem was not as intense as before suddenly. 4— On that basis, I did an experiment with each software I have : I put music from YouTube in Safari, launch an app and I work with the app for a bit. My conclusion : with softwares that are coded for the Apple Chips (noted "Universal" or "Apple" in the Activity Monitor), there are no sound problem at all. If I open an app coded for Intel (eg : Guitar Pro), the crack/popping sound problem starts at the launch of the app and keep going worst and worst. I can reproduce the same thing with every app that are code for "Intel". So my guess is : the problem appears when an Intel app is going through Rosetta (which is the piece of MacOS that helps Intel app to work on Apple Chip Macs) 5— About the Magnet app : the app is noted as "Universal". My guess is part of the app is largely based on the Intel code (don't laugh people, I'm not really an expert as you guys :-). So it's perhaps going through Rosetta to work on my M1 Mac. So the sound problem never stops when Magnet is opened (Magnet is an app that work permanently in the background). Everything seems OK since a few days. I will give an update if something new. I hope it helps. Best from Paris
Jun ’22