is there a way to remove just one platform from AppStore?
Our app is available on iOS, tvOS and macOS and I want to remove macOS from AppStore. Is there a possibility to do that? I don't want to remove iOS and tvOS app.
Posts under macOS tag
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Hi All,
I have a finder sync extension that passes data back to my main app. It currently writes to a plist file in my group container folder. Since updating to macOS 15, I have been getting this pop-up every time I trigger this writing to the plist after the finder sync extension loads.
This is how I write to the plist from my finder sync extension:
let appGroupDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.team_id.Finder-Sync-Extension-Test-Project")
let items = FIFinderSyncController.default().selectedItemURLs()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let url = items?.first?.absoluteString
var file = items?.first?.lastPathComponent
if let defaults = appGroupDefaults{
defaults.set(url, forKey: "targetURL")
self.showWindow(with: NSExtensionContext())
This is how I read the plist from my main app:
if let defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.team_id.Finder-Sync-Extension-Test-Project") {
if let clickedUrl = defaults.string(forKey: "targetURL") {
window = NSWindow(contentRect: NSScreen.main?.frame ?? .zero,
styleMask: [.miniaturizable, .closable, .resizable, .titled],
backing: .buffered,
defer: false)
window?.title = "My App"
textField.stringValue = clickedUrl
It is fine if this popup happens once and the user's choice gets remembered. I just don't want it to happen every time.
Any help on if this is the correct way to pass data between the finder sync extension and the main app or on how to get macOS to remember the choice of the user would be great.
The product archive package's signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer" certificate. (90237)
I'm receiving this error, despite the fact that I'm using this certificate when creating the pkg (with electron-forge)
My configuration is shown below - note the 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer identity when using new MakerPKG.
const config: ForgeConfig = {
packagerConfig: {
asar: true,
name: 'Deep Focus',
icon: 'resources/icon.icns',
osxSign: {
identity: 'Apple Distribution: Timeo Williams (3Y4F3KTSJA)',
type: 'distribution',
provisioningProfile: '/Users/timeo/Desktop/Deep Focus/deepWork/distribution.provisionprofile',
preAutoEntitlements: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
optionsForFile() {
return {
entitlements: 'build/entitlements.mas.plist'
extendInfo: 'build/info.plist',
osxUniversal: {
mergeASARs: true
appCategoryType: 'public.app-category.productivity',
appBundleId: 'com.electron.deepfocus',
extraResource: [
rebuildConfig: {},
makers: [
new MakerSquirrel({}),
new MakerZIP({}),
new MakerRpm({}),
new MakerDeb({}),
new MakerDMG({
appPath: './out/Deep Focus-darwin-arm64/Deep Focus.app',
name: 'Deep Focus',
icon: './resources/icon.icns',
format: 'ULFO',
overwrite: true,
contents: (opts) => [
{ x: 130, y: 220, type: 'file', path: opts.appPath },
{ x: 410, y: 220, type: 'link', path: '/Applications' }
new MakerPKG({
name: 'Deep Focus',
identity: '3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Timeo Williams (3Y4F3KTSJA)'
plugins: [
new VitePlugin({
build: [
entry: 'src/main.ts',
config: 'vite.main.config.ts',
target: 'main'
entry: 'src/preload.ts',
config: 'vite.preload.config.ts',
target: 'preload'
renderer: [
name: 'main_window',
config: 'vite.renderer.config.mts' // Path to Vite config for renderer process
new FusesPlugin({
version: FuseVersion.V1,
[FuseV1Options.RunAsNode]: false,
[FuseV1Options.EnableCookieEncryption]: true,
[FuseV1Options.EnableNodeOptionsEnvironmentVariable]: false,
[FuseV1Options.EnableNodeCliInspectArguments]: false,
[FuseV1Options.EnableEmbeddedAsarIntegrityValidation]: true,
[FuseV1Options.OnlyLoadAppFromAsar]: true
Yet, I'm getting the error from Transporter that it's invalid?
I am working on a hobby project to develop my own Bluetooth peripheral. The platform for this peripheral is a Espressif ESP32-based TinyS3 from Unexpected Maker. I have defined the bluetooth device & service information using custom UUIDs. Using nRF Connect or Light Blue mobile applications I can discover and connect to my device. I receive confirmation of this BLE connection and modifications to the my BLE Service from my code on my TinyS3.
I am attempting to write a custom software program that uses the onboard Mac Bluetooth hardware to detect this device. I am technically using Qt's Bluetooth infrastructure via PySide6 [python].
Despite being able to see my device in the mobile BLE applications, my software as well as the Mac Bluetooth System Services does not detect my BLE device.
I am broadcasting advertising messages at a 250ms rate, and since they are findable by these mobile applications, I am wondering if MacOS has specific requirements for advertising data for what it considers as a "legitimate/ connectable" device.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
When using Apple's Journal app through iPhone Mirroring, the user is allowed to authenticate via TouchID on the Mac instead of requiring you to unlock your phone, authenticate and then re-lock it to access it again in iPhone Mirroring.
Any other app that's using a call to authenticate via FaceID can't do this under iPhone Mirroring. Is there a new API call for this, or is it still a private API for Apple only?
I am porting an old app from ObjC. The app uses many defined constants such as:
#define COM_OFFSET 12.5
and many variables that are read and/or written throughout the App, such as:
PCDate* Dates[367];
@class PCMainView;
PCMainView* MainView;
in one file called "PCCommon.h"
How do I duplicate this function in Swift? I have looked around and have found no help.
Thanks in advance.
recently, I reinstalled my computer to get gptk2. I found such an error when loading rosetta. when I typed "softwareupdate --install-rosetta" on the terminal, the terminal feedback was "Installing Rosetta 2 on this system is not support Ed."
besides, when I use homebrew install gptk, it will return "Error: openssl @1.1 has been disabled because it is not supported upstream! It was disabled on 2024-10-24."
Is there any way to solve these problems?
Following the official documentation, I'm trying to create a set of three localised Help Books.
The Help Books should be available in Spanish, English and Polish. Presently, I'm trying to complete English version.
App Structure
This is the plugin application consisting of main app and the plugin. The main app structure would looks as follows:
. <XcodeProject Top>
├── Localizable.xcstrings
├── MyAppExtension
│ ├── MyAppExtension.swift
│ └── <other swift files>.swift
│ ├── Info.plist
│ ├── +Array.swift
│ ├── +ButtonStyle.swift
│ ├── <other app swift files>.swift
├── Resources
└── MyApp.help
└── MyApp.help
└── Contents
├── Info.plist
└── Resources
├── English.lproj
│ ├── ExactMatch.plist
│ ├── InfoPlist.strings
│ ├── MyApp.helpindex
│ ├── MyApp.html
│ └── pgs
└── shrd
MyApp / MyApp.help / Info.plist file
Consists the following values:
Bundle name: MyApp
HPDBookAccessPath: MyApp.html
HPDBookTitle: My App Help
Default localization: en_gb
MyApp / Info.plist file
Contains the following entries:
Help Book directory name: MyApp.help
Help Book Identifier: MyApp Help
Build phase
The Copy Bundle Resources copies MyApp.help in MyApp/Resources.
Is the provided folder structure valid for creating a localised help books
Is there anything that is missing from across Info.plist files or is in the wrong places?
Why the MyApp -> Help opens the main help menu, not the app help
With the new macOS 15, Apple introduced the new Local Network Privacy feature.
This is causing issues for our customers as - even though they granted the required permission for our software - connections to a server in their local network are being blocked. The situation is not fixed by recent macOS updates.
As far as I know, this issue exists for machines running on Apple Silicon. Systems running macOS versions (e.g. Sonoma) are not affected.
Currently, the workaround is to re-enable the permission under Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network. The list shows our application with an enabled checkbox. Users now have to de-select the box and then re-select it again for the application to work. They have to do this after each and every reboot of their system, which is slightly annoying (so at the moment we recommend to not upgrade macOS to Sequoia, if possible)
I did some research and saw that other products are also affected by this bug. Is there a solution to this issue or any plans to fix it?
Hey I have a macbook pro M1 and I don't understand why but the download of apple intelligence since macOS 15.2 is remaining block at 100% with the same message telling me to be plug and connect to a network
I am developing a authorization plugin for mac. i am using SFAuthorizationPluginView as i need a webView(WKWebKit) which will perform webAuthn. But the webview is not rendering the requested webpage( i have stable internet connectio). Is it an expected behaviour for a webview in an authorization plugin?
How can I save an Xcode project in Sequoia writen in Xcode Sequoia - Version 15.1 so that it can be opened in Ventura - Version 14.3.1 (14E300c) or in Big Sur Version 13.1
The error I get says Project.xcodeproj cannot be opened because it is in a future Xcode project file format. Adjust the project format using a compatible version of Xcode to allow it to be opened by this version of Xcode
Hi all,
I am creating an app that, when you right-click on a file and select a custom option in the context menu, it pops open a window then processes this file.
Currently, I am writing that file name and path to a plist in my app's group container folder, sending a notification from my finder sync extension to my main app, and then reading the values in my plist.
Is this the best way to pass data between the finder sync extension and the main app? What is the industry standard way of doing this?
I've been experiencing a bug when trying to open a file on a remote machine through File -> Open... -> Network -> Connect As... where the Name/Password dialog won't let me enter more than one character into its text fields.
I'm able to get one more character in by toggling between the "Registered User" and "Guest" radio buttons, and it seems to fix itself entirely when I focus on another window before entering my credentials. Once it is "fixed", it doesn't happen again until the machine's restarted.
I was able to reproduce this on 15.1 and 15.1.1, but not on 15.0.1 (I do not currently have access to a machine running 15.2).
Here are some reproduction steps: (You will need a shared computer on LAN)
Restart your machine (un-check reopen windows when logging back in)
Open TextEdit
From the Menu Bar, click “File > Open...”
Select “Network” from the Open Dialog’s sidebar
Select your shared computer on LAN and click “Connect As…”
Try typing in the password field. This will only allow the first key press to produce a character in the text field. (In my case, the Name field was already populated, so the password field was automatically selected)
(Filed as FB16039397)
I'm making an app using SwiftUI and trying to use the TextEditor view. However when I run it, and I try entering text into the TextEditor, the characters don't appear, they do however appear in the terminal that i used to run the app. The same problem exists with the TextField view.
I usually run it using swift run but have also tried swift build and running the produced executable as well as using release mode.
Minimal example:
import SwiftUI
struct Example: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text: String = ""
var body: some View {
TextEditor(text: $text)
Hi Apple Community,
I have been Testing with key allowAccountModification in macOS Restriction Payload and found some contrasting behavior
In macOS 14, macOS 15.1 in both of the OS Version when allowAccountModification is set to False it restricts adding new Account in System Settings and this is expected behavior
How ever things are contrasting and not going as expected in the below situation
When macOS 14 Version has 2 profiles for Restriction Payload one with allowAccountModification set to False and another with allowAccountModification set to True it restricts adding Apple Account
When macOS 15.1 Version has 2 profiles for Restriction Payload one with allowAccountModification set to False and another with allowAccountModification set to True it allows adding Apple Account
I remember when restrictions payload keys are contrasting across different profile Apple Uses the most restrictive one among them. But in macOS 15.1 the behavior is unexpected. Is this a issue in 15.1 and is there any list of macOS versions which shows this unexpected behavior
Hi Apple Community,
If a macOS Device is FileVault Encrypted, We are using the keys FDE_HasInstitutionalRecoveryKey, FDE_HasPersonalRecoveryKey from SecurityInfo to know the Device Encryption Type. But Some times rarely we get FDE_Enabled as true but both the above mentioned keys as false
Also we get SecurityInfo Response patterns like these only if FileVault is enabled in Device with iCloud as option to unlock the disk
Can we confirm this pattern or is there any way to know if device is encrypted with options other than Personal / Institutional Types
<plist version="1.0">
We are developing a tunnel based on transparent proxy system extension. We want to be able to decide whether to handle certain TCP flows based on FQDN.
So, is there a way to peek into TCPFlow data like we can in ContentFilter which will allow use to parse and check for SNI or Host-header?
As far as I understand, we can read data from flows until we have returned a decision from handleNewFlow.
When we using Safari on MacOS with IPv6 we found that the XSRF-TOKEN can be set into the cookies. We have set-cookie in the authentication response headers 'Set-Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN=*******; SameSite=Strict; Secure'.
It works by using Safari with IPv4. And also works with Chrome/FireFox with IPv4/IPv6. And also worked with Safari 15.6.1 over IPv6.
May I know if this an issue or by design? Anyone aware of this?
My post i the general forum was deleted because I am running on Sequoia beta. The issue seems to occur regardless of macOS version.
MacBook Air (M1, 2020):
Trackpad reacts to the slightest touch, either moving thw cursor or clickin. Obviously I have adjusted settings and it's still too sensitive.
If I don't take my fingers completely away from the trackpad as I use it, I often find new windows opening, dialog boxes popping up, ads getting clicked on, etc.
I have gone into trackpad preferences several times and adjusted everything I can find that ought to help and it doesn't. Disabling “touch to click” remedies the unintentional clicks, although I would like to keep that functionality of workin as intended. The other nuisances remain.