




The "right" way to add parameters to Siri voice operations
In this thread, I asked about adding parameters to App Shortcuts. The conclusion that I've drawn so far is that for App Shortcuts, there cannot be any parameters in the prompt, otherwise the system cannot find the AppShortcutsProvider. While this is fine for Shortcuts and non-voice interaction, I'd like to find a way to add parameters to the prompt. Here is the scenario: My app controls a device that displays some content on "pages." The pages are defined in an AppEnum, which I use for Shortcuts integration via App Intents. The App Intent functions as expected, and is able to change the page based on the user selection within Shortcuts (or prompted if using the App Shortcut). What I'd like to do is allow the user to be able to say "Siri, open with ." So far, The closest I've come to understanding how this works is through the .intentsdefinition file you can create (and SiriKit in general), however the part that really confused me there is a button in the File Editor that says "Convert to App Intent." To me, this means that I should be able to use the app intent I've already authored and hook that into Siri, rather than making an entirely new function/code-block that does exactly the same thing. Ideally, that's what I want to do. What's the right way to define this behavior? p.s. If I had to pick an intent schema in the context of AssistantSchemas, I'd say it's closest to the "Open File" one, if that helps. I'd ultimately like to make the "pages" user-customizable so in the long run, that would be what I'd do.
Jan ’25
Inform iOS about AppShortcutsProvider
I've been following along with "App Shortcuts" development but cannot get Siri to run my Intent. The intent on its own works in Shortcuts, along with a couple others that aren't in the AppShortcutsProvder structure. I keep getting the following two errors, but cannot figure out why this is occurring with documentation or other forum posts. No ConnectionContext found for 12909953344 Attempted to fetch App Shortcuts, but couldn't find the AppShortcutsProvider. Here are the relevant snippets of code - (1) The AppIntent definition struct SetBrightnessIntent: AppIntent { static var title = LocalizedStringResource("Set Brightness") static var description = IntentDescription("Set Glass Display Brightness") @Parameter(title: "Level") var level: Int? static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Set Brightness to \(\.$level)%") } func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { guard let level = level else { throw $level.needsValueError("Please provide a brightness value") } if level > 100 || level <= 0 { throw $level.needsValueError("Brightness must be between 1 and 100") } // do stuff with level return .result() } } (2) The AppShortcutsProvider (defined in my iOS app target, there are no other targets) struct MyAppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var shortcutTileColor: ShortcutTileColor = .grayBlue @AppShortcutsBuilder static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: SetBrightnessIntent(), phrases: [ "set \(.applicationName) brightness to \(\.$level)", "set \(.applicationName) brightness to \(\.$level) percent" ], shortTitle: LocalizedStringResource("Set Glass Brightness"), systemImageName: "sun.max" ) } } Does anything here look wrong? Is there some magical key that I need to specify in Info.plist to get Siri to recognize the AppShortcutsProvider? On Xcode 16.2 and iOS 18.2 (non-beta).
Dec ’24