I have encountered a problem about AppEntity and AppIntent shortcut. Here is what i have done.
I created some shortcuts use AppShortcutsProvider. Each shortcut created by AppEntity.
I search my app name in spotlight, so these shortcut can be shown in the spotlight.
I don't click the shortcut and back to home screen. Then I delete these shortcuts by modify the Entity.defaultQuery and call AppShortcutsProvider.updateAppShortcutParameters()
Going back to the spotlight, I can see my previous query and result. When I clicked the shortcut, I got an error WFBackgroundShortcutRunnerErrorDomain
Should the spotlight result need to be refreshed when i come back to it?
RSS for tagHelp users quickly accomplish tasks related to your app with their voice or with a tap with the Shortcuts API.
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I’ve developed an automation and shortcut using the iPhone Shortcuts app in IOS 18, something that hasn’t been done before. With support from Apple’s customer service, I was encouraged to bring this idea to life.
The automation’s purpose is to open a specified iOS app, move it to the background, and use a txt database in Folders to ensure uninterrupted data flow and continuous connectivity—especially useful for health apps where wearable devices need consistent, uninterrupted operation and monitoring (e.g., doctor tracking or wearable device connectivity). I would like to share the Automation and the Shortcut with the community.
It is no longer displayed as a target for shortcut app actions.
It was displayed until iOS 17.7.
Tried with iOS 18.0 and 18.0.1 but it does not appear.
Shortcuts created when under iOS 18 work fine.
Only INPlayMediaIntent is supported and is targeted at iOS 15 and above, so no Extension is used and is handled directly in the app.
Is anyone else suffering from the same problem?
在执行完 INIntent 或者AppIntent的Shortcuts后,刷新 WidgetKit桌面小组件
I'm trying to study music theory and I need a simple series of tasks to be automated to avoid wasting time on repetitive actions. That's what the Shortcuts app is for, but the actions it comes with are either severely mislabeled, or just don't work. I tried to ask for this in some regular forums and nobody could give me a simple answer, so I figured this is something that developers probably know.
I just need four PDFs to open in Preview, their windows moved to one of my monitors, and then be tiled in four equal sizes, with the order determined by me. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But I've been trying to accomplish this for over a year in Shortcuts and even Automator, but at best I can get halfway there.
I've also noticed that the Shortcuts I had prepared are running awfully slow. I'm on a Mac Studio M1 Ultra, and these PDFs are less than 10 MB each, three of them are less than 5 MB. These used to open almost instantly, but now the first one opens, then 3-5 seconds later the next one opens and so on.
As for the window tiling, at best it's tiling three of the windows correctly, but the other one that should tile on the top left, doesn't resize to the quarter of the screen. But worst of all, they are supposed to move to one of the monitors and do the tiling there, but they all open and tile on the main monitor.
So this is one I started today from scratch:
Logically speaking, this should work. But either I'm not following the logic with which Shortcuts was designed, or Shortcuts just doesn't work very well. I'm hoping it's just that I don't follow the logic, but the help is not very helpful. It's rather scant, and other than that, I can't find something that will give me more information about how it works. I'm on the current version of Sonoma, but this was the same in the previous macOS. I doubt it changed at all in Sequoia.
Sorry if I'm asking this in a developer forum, but I figured it's the place where I can finally get some answers after over a year of trial and error and online searching and getting nowhere.
The Shortcut Automation Trigger Transaction frequently times out, ultimately causing the shortcut automation to fail. Please see the attached trace for details.
Additionally, the Trigger is activated even when the Transaction is declined.
In the trace I see the error:
[WFWalletTransactionProvider observeForUpdatesWithInitialTransactionIfNeeded:transactionIdentifier:completion:]_block_invoke Hit timeout waiting for transaction with identifier: <private>, finishing.
Open bug report: FB14035016
Hi All,
requirement - "Search (placeholder) in (myApp)".
When user speaks this strings, Siri should open the app and pass the placeholder.
This worked for me only when i used an AppEnum (with specific defined set) with AppEntity.
I want the placeholder to be dynamic and not defined via the AppEnum.
Have observed this feature working fine with Youtube, Spotify & Whatsapp apps.
Is there anything else that these app add specifically to make this work. ?
Also in these app's Siri settings, there is a toggle named - 'Use with Ask Siri'.
Could someone please help in understanding, how this option is enabled ?
Dear community, 3 Questions
1 On which processor are shortcuts being executed (the script flow) when started from Apple Watch?
2 Same question for the single intents execution.
3 Is there a good documentation and hopefully some architectural block diagram?
We have developed an iOS app in objective-C and added integrations for shortcuts app - more specific the "automation" part of the app.
Basically, user opens shortcuts app, select automation and when scanning NFC tag, user can select an action and our app shows 3 different actions. User select action, opens the app and action is executed. That all done in Obj-C and was working very well with no complaints till users start to update to iOS18.
Now, when user starts to add automation, only thing they can do is select "open app". Our app actions are not showing any more. Is there something new in iOS 18 we have to update our app.
I know Obje-C is considered "old", but the cost of upgrading an existing app and time is not available at the moment.
Here's a code snippet of our shortcutIntent:
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Shortcut Info-plist
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
self = [super init];
self.started = false;
self.handler = [[AppIntentHandler alloc] init];
self.handler.userInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
- (id)handlerForIntent:(INIntent *)intent {
// This is the default implementation. If you want different objects to handle different intents,
// you can override this and return the handler you want for that particular intent.
self.started = YES;
if([intent isKindOfClass:[LockIntent class]]){
NSLog(@"*intent lock selected*");
self.handler.userInfo = [self assignUserInfo:@"lock"];
}else if([intent isKindOfClass:[UnlockIntent class]]){
NSLog(@"*intent unlock selected*");
self.handler.userInfo = [self assignUserInfo:@"unlock"];
}else if([intent isKindOfClass:[TrunkIntent class]]){
NSLog(@"*intent trunk selected*");
self.handler.userInfo = [self assignUserInfo:@"trunk"];
self.started = NO;
return self.handler;
A custom class to handle each intent
@implementation AppIntentHandler
#pragma mark - response handlers
- (void)handleLock:(nonnull LockIntent *)intent completion:(nonnull void (^)(LockIntentResponse * _Nonnull))completion {
LockIntentResponse *response = [[LockIntentResponse alloc] initWithCode:LockIntentResponseCodeContinueInApp userActivity:[self lockUserActivity]];
- (void)handleUnlock:(nonnull UnlockIntent *)intent completion:(nonnull void (^)(UnlockIntentResponse * _Nonnull))completion {
UnlockIntentResponse *response = [[UnlockIntentResponse alloc] initWithCode:UnlockIntentResponseCodeContinueInApp userActivity:[self unlockUserActivity]];
- (void)handleTrunk:(nonnull TrunkIntent *)intent completion:(nonnull void (^)(TrunkIntentResponse * _Nonnull))completion {
TrunkIntentResponse *response = [[TrunkIntentResponse alloc] initWithCode:TrunkIntentResponseCodeContinueInApp userActivity:[self trunkUserActivity]];
What have changed and what needs to be done to make our app's actions show in shortcuts app again. Could anyone point me to the right direction, documentations, blog post or code snippet?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to help!
I suppose this is a bug in compiler.
Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) - AppStore release version
When building a project from Xcode 15 in Xcode 16, an error occurs:
appintentsmetadataprocessor[12633:13677489] error: At least one halting error produced during export. No AppIntents metadata have been exported and this target is not usable with AppIntents until errors are resolved.
AppShortcut phrases may have at most one parameter, but found phrase, "Set Dark Mode ${darkMode} for Widget ${widget}" with more than one parameter: darkMode, widget
Apparently this is an Xcode bug because I have a production app with this AppShortcut and it works fine in Apple Shortcuts.
Everything is made according to the official WWDC video about AppShortcuts
Hi everyone,
I have a shortcut that works great on iOS and on MacOS but that for some reason, doesn't work on WatchOS.
The shortcut contains only a "Run script over SSH" item, I've tested both with password and public Key, they work well on the other devices but in WatchOS they shortcut returns "Cannot send with an inactive account".
Any idea of what the issue is?
The following code works perfectly fine in iOS 17, where I can retrieve the desired dependency value through @IntentParameterDependency as expected. However, in iOS 18, addTransaction always returns nil.
struct CategoryEntityQuery: EntityStringQuery {
private var persistentController: PersistentController
var addTransaction
func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [CategoryEnitity] {
guard let addTransaction else {
return []
// ...
func entities(for identifiers: [CategoryEnitity.ID]) async throws -> [CategoryEnitity] {
guard let addTransaction else {
return []
// ...
func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [CategoryEnitity] {
guard let addTransaction else {
return []
// ...
Has anyone else encountered the same issue? Any insights or potential workarounds would be greatly appreciated.
iOS: 18.0 (22A3354)
Xcode 16.0 (16A242d)
I have an app intent that returns a file from inside the Sandbox.
With iOS 18 RC, the call to INFile results in the file being deleted, instead of the file being returned.
intentResponse.file = INFile(fileURL: fileURL, filename: fileName, typeIdentifier: nil)
This seems to happen if the file was created by an earlier Shortcut action that calls FileManager().copyItem(), but not for files created by other means.
I haven't found a reference in the developer documentation about INFile resulting in the file being deleted.
I can block FileManager() from deleting the file by setting its immutable attributes to true, but that prevents me from removing it later.
iOS 17.6.1 WatchOS 10.6.1
WatchAPP安装完毕之后,未登录,可以进入执行,提示 “未登录”
WatchAPP登录后,提示 “Apple Watch无法运行快捷指令,与App通信出现问题”
Cannot send with an inactive account
I want to use the Shortcuts app on macOS Monterey to modify M4A/AAC audio file metadata for files that I have ripped from CD to my local Music app library.
How can I use a regular expression on track titles to replace text that matches a certain regex pattern?
I have already written the regex, I just need help with the Shortcuts app.
I've started my shortcut with a "Find Music" action connected to a "Repeat with Each" loop action.
Within the loop, I use a "Get Details of Music" action to get the title, which is passed to a "Replace Text" action using my regex.
I just don't know how to write the correct new title into the music file's title/name metadata field. I tried a "Rename File" action with type "iTunes media" to try to set the "Title" field, but the field wasn't updated either in the Music app or in the M4A/AAC file itself. I couldn't find any other actions that seemed like they might be able to modify the field.
I'd prefer a solution that goes through the Music app / its APIs, rather than directly modifying the M4A on the file system, because the latter would force me to have the Music app scan for changed files after the files we're modified.
how to register more than 10 shortcuts
使用APPIntent 的AppShortcutsProvider方式,最多只能添加10个AppShortcut,超过10个,代码编译就会报错
struct MeditationShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
intent: StartMeditationIntent(),
phrases: [
"Start a (.applicationName)",
"Begin (.applicationName)",
"Meditate with (.applicationName)",
"Start a (.$session) session with (.applicationName)",
"Begin a (.$session) session with (.applicationName)",
"Meditate on (.$session) with (.applicationName)"
The action “bla bla” could not run because of an internal error on specific mobile only
I have tried updating shortcuts app and restart my phone but nothing works
I'm able to deep link to the Automation tab in Shortcuts App using : shortcuts://create-automation.
But I want to preselect a predefined automation (like bluetooth / nfc) and profile some parameters along with it, like
Name of the automation shortcut to select
When / Trigger point for the automation shortcut
Do / what should happen on tuning the shortcut
Thanks !