




Apple Events won't trigger Privacy & Security alerts due to Sandboxing
I created an app in Xcode using ApplescriptObjC that is supposed to communicate with Finder and Adobe Illustrator. It has been working for the last 8 years, until now I have updated it for Sonoma and it no longer triggers the alerts for the user to approve the communication. It sends the Apple Events, but instead of the alert dialog I get this error in Console: "Sandboxed application with pid 15728 attempted to lookup App: "Finder"/"finder"/"" 654/0x0:0x1d01d MACSstill-hintable sess=100017 but was denied due to sandboxing." The Illustrator error is prdictably similar. I added this to the app.entitlements file: <key></key> <array> <string></string> <string>com.adobe.illustrator</string> </array> I added this to Info.plist: <key>NSAppleEventsUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires access to Finder and Adobe Illustrator for automation.</string> I built the app, signed with the correct Developer ID Application Certificate. I've also packaged it into a signed DMG and installed it, with the same result as running it from Xcode. I tried stripping it down to just the lines of code that communicate with Finder and Illustrator, and built it with a different bundle identifier with the same result. What am I missing?
Jan ’25