Hi guys. I use SceneKit for present 2D content. i don't want to use SpriteKit because it doesn't support multisampling. I have SCNView with aspect ratio 9:16. I add to my scene SCNCamera and set is usesOrthographicProjection property to true. Then I add context SCNode (geometry is shape, shape size aspect ratio 9:16). now i need to scale this node to fit my SCNView size. How can I do it? I tried to play with orthographicScale, But I need a formula to calculate the exact value in order for my SCNode to proportionally fill the scene.
Below I provide a link in to screenshot.
1 - yellow rectangle - this is my node that I want to scale
2 - white rectangle - is SCNView
My screenshot url - https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0YsIuP6Lg7qGf7ytCocXZcFOw#IMG%5FF9F8120E6430-1
I can’t upload the picture because the forum doesn’t support it, I can share the link from iCloud to the image, other links the forum also does not support (not from apple links). sucks!.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
Does anyone know how to make a mask in SceneKit?
similar in UIKit like - layer.mask = CALayer().
I would like something like this - node.mask = SCNNode()
Looks like SceneKit does not support such functionality by default.
I use 2D space.
I will be glad to any advice or example. Thank you for your help!
In SpriteKit is SKCropNode