2D Graphics

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Posts under 2D Graphics tag

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Is it possible to generate nice PDF with gradient from SwiftUI view ?
I try to generate PDF from view. View is nice, there is a lot of transparency and many gradients (circular and linear). But if I use ImageRenderer in in a way that documentation suggest all transparency and gradients disappear. Is this bug or some feature? Is it way to generate vector graphic from view with transparency and gradients? PDF allows those features, so why not?
Nov ’24
Possibly Incorrect Statement in AppKit Release Notes for macOS 14.
While trying to debug some weird drawing issues under macOS 14, I remembered that there was a comment in the AppKit Release notes related to drawing and NSView.clipsToBounds. AppKit Release Notes for macOS 14 Under the section titled NSView, the following statement is made: For applications linked against the macOS 14 SDK, the default value of this property is true. Apps linked against older SDKs default to false. Some classes, like NSClipView, continue to default to true. Is this statement possibly backwards? From what I can tell, under macOS 14 NSView.clipsToBounds now defaults to false. I came across this while trying to debug an issue where views that override drawRect with the intent of calling NSFillRect(self.bounds) with a solid color are, sometimes, briefly flickering because self.bounds is NSZeroRect, even though self.frame is not (nor is the dirtyRect). This seems to be happening when views are added as subviews to a parent view. The subviews, which override drawRect, periodically "miss" a repaint and thus flicker. This seems to happen when views are frequently added or removed, like what happens in a scrolling view that is "recycling" views as they go offscreen. Views that scroll into the viewport are added as subviews and, sometimes, briefly flicker. Replacing calls to drawRect with wantsUpdateLayer and updateLayer eliminates the flickering, which makes me think something is going astray in drawRect and the various rects you can use. This is with Xcode 15.4, linking against macOS 14.5 and running on macOS 14.6.1
Oct ’24
How to remove antialiasing in CGContext?
I'm trying to create a brush by drawing in CGContext using a UIImage for a brush. However, I when I try drawing, the stroke is antialiased when I don't want it to be. I tried context.interpolationQuality = .none context.setShouldAntialias(false) but it doesn't seem to work. Is it a problem with my brush or resizing the brush maybe?? (Also this problem doesn't occur when I draw a regular stroke without the brush.) Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Here is my draw function override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) { super.draw(rect) guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return } context.interpolationQuality = .none context.setShouldAntialias(false) for stroke in strokes { let brush = UIColor.blue.circle(size: CGSize(width: CGFloat(stroke.width * 10), height: CGFloat(stroke.width * 10))).mask(color: UIColor(cgColor: stroke.color)) var first = true for point in stroke.points { if first { first = false context.move(to: point) continue } context.addLine(to: point, using: brush) } } } Circle brush extension UIColor { func circle(size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 1, height: 1)) -> UIImage { return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: size).image { rendererContext in self.setFill() UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size)).fill() } } } CGConext extension where I overloaded addLine extension CGContext { func addLine(to point: CGPoint, using brush: UIImage, density: CGFloat = 1.0) { var frame: CGRect = .zero frame.size = brush.size let lastPoint = self.currentPointOfPath let distanceX = point.x - lastPoint.x let distanceY = point.y - lastPoint.y let distanceR = sqrt(pow(distanceX, 2) + pow(distanceY, 2)) let deltaR = (1.0 / density) let numOfSteps = ceil(distanceR / deltaR) var renders : CGFloat = 0.0 let deltaX = distanceX / numOfSteps let deltaY = distanceY / numOfSteps var currentCenter = lastPoint repeat { frame.origin.x = currentCenter.x - frame.width / 2.0 frame.origin.y = currentCenter.y - frame.height / 2.0 brush.draw(in: frame) currentCenter.x += deltaX currentCenter.y += deltaY renders += 1.0 } while (renders <= numOfSteps) self.move(to: point) } }
Oct ’24
Determining SpriteKit Interaction using SKRenderer
Hey, Wondering how other developers have been able to determine the location of a mouse event or tap (ie NSEvent) when using MetalView (MKTView) with SKRenderer with a SpriteKit scene (.sks scene) for a 2D game. In the original scenario with SpriteKit, we could use SKViews convertPoint(fromView:) to determine where in the scene the user tapped. But with the SKRenderer we can no longer use convertPoint(fromView:) as its reliant on SKView being used and thus its making it difficult to determine. What I do have is: locationInWindow: NSPoint for showing me where in the MKTView which was touched Any ideas, would be great Many thanks
Sep ’24