Initially I was having a lag with the machine, occasionally, when switching tab in a browser, using the calculator etc. as well as this black/transparent screen issue. Bascially when starting or closing an Adobe or DaVinci app, the screen will go half black (In the screenshot it appears to be transparent) with some weird edges around it, only occurs once after you restart the machine. I don't use an external monitor.
Pro 16-inch, 2019, 2.6GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Mac OS 11.3.1 Big Sur
In another thread:
One user suggested this (lag) might have something to do with the GPU, the lag occurs when you switch from one to another which is what I thought as well.
So I took it to Apple, after several sessions they told me to go to Genius Bar and I did, tried explaining this might be the GPU but the guy didn't find any faults, not sure why this is happening they kept the laptop and sent it to the engineer. Received the laptop back after a week and apparently they replaced the display and the lid sensor... which was a bit confusing. For whatever reason, the lag is gone, maybe it's the OS update that helped but the black screen is still here, though it doesn't happen every time and it's less, i don't know, serious? Because before the black area remained unless you close that particular desktop, now it seems to be getting rid of it by itself lol.
Before I take this back to Apple again, was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?
Many thanks for the help in advance.
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