In the What's new in AVFoundation video, the new AVCaption, AVAssetWriterCaptionAdaptor, AVCaptionConversionValidator, and AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdapter were announced, but looks like they're currently only for macOS. They would be very useful for iOS as well.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
In iOS13, the PHAssetCollection and PHAssetCollectionList methods and types for retrieving moments were deprecated.
I can't see a clear way to get the same information (grouped photos by date and location with localized titles for the locations). Do we have to do all of the grouping ourselves based on time/location of PHAssets or is there another way to get this same functionality?
What would be the range of color sample values in kernels for HDR (the example shown of invert for non-HDR video, what would be the correct code for HDR):
extern “C” float4 ColorInverter(coreimage::sample_t s, coreimage::destination dest) {
return float4(1.0 - s.r, 1.0 - s.g, 1.0 - s.b, 1.0);