Hi there!
We have a suite of AudioUnit v2 plugins that have been shipped for some time as aufx plugins, and we are looking into MIDI-related platform upgrades, so we need a way to update these plugins to request MIDI from Logic (and other AU hosts) but avoid changing our AU type and subtype so we don't break existing sessions. Any ideas on how we can do this?
RSS for tagDive into the technical aspects of audio on your device, including codecs, format support, and customization options.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I'm trying to implement airplay into my app. I can successfully playback sound and trigger the airplay selector sheet. If the target device is a Bluetooth only device I can connect with no problem and stream the audio to the Bluetooth device, but if the audio device is a airplay specific device like a HomePod or an Apple TV when I select it, I get a spinning icon, indicating that it is trying to connect, and eventually it times out and stops without connecting.
I don't believe it is an AirPlay audio issue because if I go to a different app, for example a podcast app and select my HomePods for output, and then switch back to my app. My audio will correctly stream to the HomePod. Not only that, I have it so that my icon will change color to indicate that it is connected via airplay and it is correctly indicating that it is connected via AirPlay. But I cannot then disconnect it using the Airplay selector.
The issue appears to be in the AirPlay selection side, which I have spent several days attempting to troubleshoot mostly using ChatGPT to suggest code different than what I have to maybe work around the issue. Mostly it is focused on the audio player section, but it doesn't seem like that is really the route that is the problem.
I am looking for a good way to play sounds at a high frequency.
At the moment I am using the AVAudioEngine, and create a couple AVAudioPlayerNode and for each sound I need to play I create a AVAudioPCMBuffer.
When the app needs to play a sound, I get the correct AVAudioPCMBuffer for the sound and use the first available AVAudioPlayerNode and feed it to the buffer.
The timing for a metronome app has to be very precise because if it's of by about 16ms the user can hear that it is not playing had the right interval. For low speeds this is working without any problems, but at high speeds it is getting worse.
Maybe anyone has an idea on how I can improve my method.
Its a Plugin for Flutter.
import AVFoundation
class FastSoundPlayer {
private var audioPlayers: [SoundPlayer?] = []
private var sounds: [String: Sound] = [:]
private var engine = AVAudioEngine()
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
init() {
do {
try session.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback, mode: AVAudioSession.Mode.default, options: [AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.mixWithOthers])
try session.setActive(true)
createSoundPlayers(count: 20)
try engine.start()
} catch {
print("Error starting audio engine: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// Selector method to handle applicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
func applicationDidBecomeActive() {
// Reinitialize AVAudioEngine and reattach all nodes
do {
createSoundPlayers(count: 20)
try engine.start()
} catch {
print("Error starting audio engine: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func createSoundPlayers(count: Int) {
for _ in 0..<count {
let player = SoundPlayer()
engine.connect(player.player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: nil)
func load(sound: Data, name: String) {
let sound = Sound(soundData: sound)
sounds[name] = sound
func play(name: String) {
if !engine.isRunning {
guard let sound = sounds[name] else {
print("Sound not found")
if let player = getAvailablePlayer() {
player.play(sound: sound)
func getAvailablePlayer() -> SoundPlayer? {
for player in audioPlayers {
if !player!.isPlaying {
return player
return nil
class SoundPlayer {
let player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
var isPlaying = false
init() {
player.volume = 1.0
func play(sound: Sound) {
player.scheduleBuffer(sound.sound!, at: nil, options: .interrupts, completionCallbackType: .dataPlayedBack) { _ in
if (player.engine != nil && player.engine!.isRunning) {
isPlaying = true
func complete() {
isPlaying = false
class Sound {
var sound: AVAudioPCMBuffer?
init(soundData: Data) {
do {
let temporaryURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("tempSound.wav")
try soundData.write(to: temporaryURL)
// Create AVAudioFile from the temporary file URL
let audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: temporaryURL)
// Define the format for the PCM buffer (44100Hz, stereo)
let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16, sampleRate: 44100, channels: 2, interleaved: false)
// Create AVAudioPCMBuffer
guard let pcmBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: format!, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(audioFile.length)) else {
// Failed to create PCM buffer
self.sound = nil
// Read audio file into PCM buffer
try audioFile.read(into: pcmBuffer)
// Assign the created AVAudioPCMBuffer to the sound property
self.sound = pcmBuffer
} catch {
print("Error loading sound file: \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.sound = nil
I'm developing the VisionOS app. I want to know how to play spatial audio in addition to RealityKit? If it's iOS or macOS, how to play spatial audio in addition to RealityKit?
Feature Request: Long-Lived Access to Personal Apple Music Data
Use Case Summary
I'm developing a personal portfolio website (using Nuxt) and want to display information from my own Apple Music library - showcasing personal playlists, recently played tracks, or a read-only "now playing" widget. This is purely for personal use on my website and doesn't require other users to log in.
With Spotify's API, implementing this was straightforward thanks to automatic token refresh. I want a similarly seamless integration with Apple Music.
Challenge with MusicKit and Music User Tokens
Apple Music API requirements
Apple's Music API requires a valid Music User Token (MUT) for requests involving personal library data. Beyond the Apple Developer Token, you must obtain a user-specific token via MusicKit authentication to access your own library playlists, play history, or current playback status.
Token expiration and manual renewal
Music User Tokens expire after approximately 6 months without any mechanism to automatically refresh or renew them - unlike typical OAuth flows that provide refresh tokens. Apple's guidance suggests the device (e.g., iPhone) is responsible for obtaining new user tokens when old ones expire. This works for interactive apps on Apple devices but fails in server-side or long-lived web contexts like a personal website widget.
Impact on personal projects
Displaying Apple Music data on a public-facing site becomes difficult. I would need to periodically re-authenticate through the MusicKit JS flow every few months just to keep a widget alive. Embedding credentials in a public site is insecure, and manual token refreshing is cumbersome and easy to forget.
Comparison to Spotify's Token Model
Spotify's API offers a developer-friendly authentication model. Their OAuth flow provides a Refresh Token that applications can use to obtain new access tokens automatically without requiring user re-authorization. This means a personal app can maintain continuous access to a user's Spotify data for extended periods until access is revoked.
When building a similar feature with Spotify, this automatic token renewal was crucial. I could safely store the refresh token on my server and have my app periodically update the access token. Many developers have created public-facing widgets showing currently playing tracks on blogs or GitHub profiles using this model. Unfortunately, Apple Music's API lacks an equivalent capability, putting it at a disadvantage for personal projects.
Proposed Solutions
I request Apple's consideration for one of these enhancements:
Provide a mechanism to refresh or extend a Music User Token programmatically for server-side applications. This could be an OAuth-style refresh token issued alongside the MUT, or a dedicated endpoint to exchange an expired MUT for a new one. This would enable renewal without a full user re-auth/login each time.
Allow developers to access their own Apple Music library data with just the long-lived Developer Token. Apple could permit GET requests to personal library endpoints using the Developer Token alone, or a special token tied to the developer's Apple ID. This access would be read-only - no ability to modify the library, purely for retrieving data. It could be an opt-in feature in the Apple Developer account settings.
Either solution would significantly improve the developer experience for Apple Music API in personal projects.
Security and Privacy Considerations
This request is not about accessing others' data or creating privacy loopholes - it's about empowering an Apple Music subscriber to access their own information more conveniently. The proposed options respect privacy principles:
The data accessed is only what the user already has access to - their own playlists, library items, or playback status.
An automatic token refresh can be designed securely (revocable tokens bound to a single account with no increase in permissions).
Read-only developer token access could be restricted to non-sensitive data and require explicit opt-in.
I request an improvement to Apple Music's developer experience through either (1) an automatic Music User Token refresh mechanism, or (2) a provision for read-only personal library access using a Developer Token. This would bring Apple Music integration capabilities closer to parity with services like Spotify for personal projects.
I ask Apple's Developer Relations and the Apple Music API team to consider this feature request. If there are existing best practices or workarounds with current APIs, I would appreciate guidance.
I invite feedback from Apple or other developers. Are there known patterns for maintaining an Apple Music user token for server-side applications, or any plans to support non-interactive use cases? Any advice is welcome.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to integrating Apple Music into my personal site as smoothly as with other services, and believe many developers would benefit from this added flexibility.
User Authentication for MusicKit - Requirements for Music User Tokens
StackOverflow: Do Apple Music User Tokens expire? - Confirmation of 6-month expiration
MetaBrainz GSoC Blog - Documentation of MusicKit authentication limitations
Apple Developer Forums - Information on token renewal behavior
Spotify for Developers - Documentation on refresh token mechanism
Media Technologies
Apple Music API
MusicKit JS
Apple Music Feed
Let's consider the following code.
I've created an actor that loads a list of .mp3 files from a Bundle and then makes it available for audio reproduction.
Unfortunately, I'm experiencing a memory leak.
At the play method.
From Instruments I get
_malloc_type_malloc_outlined libsystem_malloc.dylib
start_wqthread libsystem_pthread.dylib
private actor AudioActor {
enum Failure: Error {
case soundsNotLoaded([AudioPlayerClient.Sound: Error])
enum Player {
case music(AVAudioPlayer)
var players: [Sound: Player] = [:]
let bundles: [Bundle]
init(bundles: UncheckedSendable<[Bundle]>) {
self.bundles = bundles.wrappedValue
func load(sounds: [Sound]) throws {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true, options: [])
var errors: [Sound: Error] = [:]
for sound in sounds {
guard let url = bundle.url(forResource: sound.name, withExtension: "mp3")
else { continue }
do {
self.players[sound] = try .music(AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url))
} catch {
errors[sound] = error
guard errors.isEmpty
else { throw Failure.soundsNotLoaded(errors) }
func play(sound: Sound, loops: Int?) throws {
guard let player = self.players[sound]
else { return }
switch player {
case let .music(player):
player.numberOfLoops = loops ?? -1
func stop(sound: Sound) throws {
guard let player = self.players[sound]
else { throw Failure.soundsNotLoaded([:]) }
switch player {
case let .music(player):
I am trying to stream audio from local filesystem.
For that, I am trying to use an AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate for an AVURLAsset. However, Content-Length is not known at the start. To overcome this, I tried several methods:
Set content length as nil, in the AVAssetResourceLoadingContentInformationRequest
Set content length to -1, in the ContentInformationRequest
Both of these cause the AVPlayerItem to fail with an error.
I also tried setting Content-Length as INT_MAX, and setting a renewalDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 5). However, that seems to be buggy. Even after updating the Content-Length to the correct value (e.g. X bytes) and finishing that loading request, the resource loader keeps getting requests with requestedOffset = X with dataRequest.requestsAllDataToEndOfResource = true. These requests keep coming indefinitely, and as a result it seems that the next item in the queue does not get played. Also, .AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime notification does not get called.
I wanted to check if this is an expected behavior or is there a bug in this implementation. Also, what is the recommended way to stream audio of unknown initial length from local file system?
i need to read wether the transport is playing or stopped but my current method that works for vst does not work for au.
is there a lpx resource available for developers anywhere?
if (auto* playHead = processor->getPlayHead())
juce::AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo posInfo;
if (playHead->getCurrentPosition(posInfo))
bool isCurrentlyPlaying = posInfo.isPlaying;
if (isCurrentlyPlaying != wasTransportPlaying)
if (isCurrentlyPlaying)
wasTransportPlaying = isCurrentlyPlaying;
wasTransportPlaying = isCurrentlyPlaying;
thanks :)
I'm trying to write 16-bit interleaved 2-channel data captured from a LiveSwitch audio source to a AVAudioFile. The buffer and file formats match but I get a bad parameter error from the API. Does this API not support the specified format or is there some other issue?
Here is the debugger output.
(lldb) po audioFile.url
▿ file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1EB14379-0CF2-41B6-B742-4C9A80728DB3/tmp/Heart%20Sounds%201
- _url : file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1EB14379-0CF2-41B6-B742-4C9A80728DB3/tmp/Heart%20Sounds%201
- _parseInfo : nil
- _baseParseInfo : nil
(lldb) po error
Error Domain=com.apple.coreaudio.avfaudio Code=-50 "(null)" UserInfo={failed call=ExtAudioFileWrite(_impl->_extAudioFile, buffer.frameLength, buffer.audioBufferList)}
(lldb) po buffer.format
<AVAudioFormat 0x302a12b20: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, Int16, interleaved>
(lldb) po audioFile.fileFormat
<AVAudioFormat 0x302a515e0: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, Int16, interleaved>
(lldb) po buffer.frameLength
(lldb) po buffer.audioBufferList
▿ 0x0000000300941e60
- pointerValue : 12894608992
This code handles the details of converting the Live Switch frame into an AVAudioPCMBuffer.
extension FMLiveSwitchAudioFrame {
func convertedToPCMBuffer() -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
Self.convertToAVAudioPCMBuffer(from: self)!
static func convertToAVAudioPCMBuffer(from frame: FMLiveSwitchAudioFrame) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer? {
// Retrieve the audio buffer and format details from the FMLiveSwitchAudioFrame
let buffer = frame.buffer(),
let format = buffer.format() as? FMLiveSwitchAudioFormat else { return nil }
// Extract PCM format details from FMLiveSwitchAudioFormat
let sampleRate = Double(format.clockRate())
let channelCount = AVAudioChannelCount(format.channelCount())
// Determine bytes per sample based on bit depth
let bitsPerSample = 16
let bytesPerSample = bitsPerSample / 8
let bytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * Int(channelCount)
let frameLength = AVAudioFrameCount(Int(buffer.dataBuffer().length()) / bytesPerFrame)
// Create an AVAudioFormat from the FMLiveSwitchAudioFormat
guard let avAudioFormat = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16, sampleRate: sampleRate, channels: channelCount, interleaved: true) else {
return nil
// Create an AudioBufferList to wrap the existing buffer
let audioBufferList = UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>.allocate(capacity: 1)
audioBufferList.pointee.mNumberBuffers = 1
audioBufferList.pointee.mBuffers.mNumberChannels = channelCount
audioBufferList.pointee.mBuffers.mDataByteSize = UInt32(buffer.dataBuffer().length())
audioBufferList.pointee.mBuffers.mData = buffer.dataBuffer().data().mutableBytes // Directly use LiveSwitch buffer
// Transfer ownership of the buffer to AVAudioPCMBuffer
let pcmBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: avAudioFormat, bufferListNoCopy: audioBufferList) /* { buffer in
// Ensure the buffer is freed when AVAudioPCMBuffer is deallocated
buffer.deallocate() // Only call this if LiveSwitch allows manual deallocation
} */
pcmBuffer?.frameLength = frameLength
return pcmBuffer
This is the handler that is invoked with every frame in order to convert it for use with AVAudioFile and optionally update a scrolling signal display on the screen.
private func onRaisedFrame(obj: Any!) -> Void {
// Bail out early if no one is interested in the data.
guard isMonitoring else { return }
// Convert LS frame to AVAudioPCMBuffer (no-copy)
let frame = obj as! FMLiveSwitchAudioFrame
let buffer = frame.convertedToPCMBuffer()
// Hand subscribers a reference to the buffer for rendering to display.
// If we have and output file, store the data there, as well.
guard let audioFile = self.audioFile else { return }
do {
try audioFile.write(from: buffer) // FIXME: This call is throwing error -50
} catch {
FMLiveSwitchLog.error(withMessage: "Failed to write buffer to audio file at \(audioFile.url): \(error)")
self.audioFile = nil
This is how the audio file is being setup.
static var recordingFormat: AVAudioFormat = {
AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16, sampleRate: 44_100, channels: 2, interleaved: true)!
let audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forWriting: outputURL, settings: Self.recordingFormat.settings)
Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question in, but could you please advise if I can use Apple Digital Masters logo (badge) in my iOS app that is playing music from Apple Music service?
Media Technologies
I am developing a VOD playback app, but when I stream video to an external monitor connected via HDMI with Lightning on iOS 18 or later, the screen goes dark and I cannot confirm playback.
The app I am developing does not detect the HDMI and display the Player separately, but simply mirrors the video.
We have confirmed that the same phenomenon occurs with other services, but we were able to confirm playback with some services such as Apple TV.
Please let us know if there are any other necessary settings such as video certificates required for video playback.
We would also like to know if the problem occurs with iOS 18 or later.
Media Technologies
I have an app under development - demo here - https://youtu.be/VbAfUk_eYl0?si=s6EDBx-4G6P_QbZO - which is sort of an audio player for airdropped files - something useful to musicians who dump work in progress to their phone, make notes, revise and update.
I've been testing my handling of audio session interruption notifications, but seems to be a lot of inconsistency in how, when and why iOS delivers them, and I'm wondering if there is some rhyme or reason to it that I'm just not detecting.
For example, I am playing a song in my app. Switch to Apple Music and start playing a song there. My app gets an interruption began notification - this is consistent.
Switch back to my app, and about half the time, I will get an interruption ended notification (coupled often with a blast of the tail of whatever audio buffer was partially played when the interruption started, even though the engine was stopped - and followed by call to my AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallback - is there some way to avoid this?). Half the time I don't get an interruption ended notification; my app can (as expected) end the interruption by activating the AVAudioSession and playing something.
I have not been able to determine any pattern to this behavior, other than that if my app started playing using AVAudioPlayerNode.scheduleSegment rather than scheduleFile I think the notification will be consistently delivered on app activation rather than when I activate the session programmatically.
I would like my app to behave deterministically, and would appreciate any help in deciphering what causes the inconsistent behavior in notifications from iOS.
We have the necessary background recording entitlements, and for many users... do not run into any issues.
However, there is a subset of users that routinely get recordings ending.. we have narrowed this down and believe it to be the work of the watch dog.
First we removed the entire view hierarchy when app is backgrounded. There is just 'Text("Recording")'
This got the CPU usage in profiler down to 0%. We saw massive improvements to recording success rate.
We walked away assuming that was enough. However we are still seeing the same sort of crashes. All in the background. We're using Observation to drive audio state changes to a Live Activity.
Are those Observations causing the problem? Why doesn't apple provide a better API to background audio? The internet is full of weird issues
This is such a terrible user experience. And we have very little visibility into what is happening and why.
No where in apple documentation states that in order for background recording to work, the app can only be 'Text("Recording")'
It does not outline a CPU or memory threshold. It just kills us.
Hi guys,
I am having issue in live-streaming audio from Bluetooth headset and playing it live on the iPhone speaker.
I am able to redirect audio back to the headset but this is not what I want.
The issue happens when I am trying to override output - the iPhone switches to speaker but also switches a microphone.
This is example of the code:
import AVFoundation
class AudioRecorder {
let player: AVAudioPlayerNode
let engine:AVAudioEngine
let audioSession:AVAudioSession
let audioSessionOutput:AVAudioSession
init() {
self.player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
self.engine = AVAudioEngine()
self.audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
self.audioSessionOutput = AVAudioSession()
do {
try self.audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord, options: [.defaultToSpeaker])
try self.audioSessionOutput.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord, options: [.allowBluetooth]) // enables Bluetooth HFP profile
try self.audioSession.setMode(AVAudioSession.Mode.default)
try self.audioSession.setActive(true)
// try self.audioSession.overrideOutputAudioPort(.speaker) // doens't work
} catch {
let input = self.engine.inputNode
let bus = 0
let inputFormat = input.inputFormat(forBus: bus)
self.engine.connect(self.player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: inputFormat)
input.installTap(onBus: bus, bufferSize: 512, format: inputFormat) { (buffer, time) -> Void in
public func start() {
try! self.engine.start()
public func stop() {
I am not sure if this is a bug or not.
Can somebody point me into the right direction?
I there a way to design a custom audio routing?
I would also appreciate some good documentation besides AVFoundation docs.
The device is connected to Bluetooth A and Bluetooth B, currently the audio is played through Bluetooth A, click the interface button, how to realize the code to switch to Bluetooth B?
Is it possible to play WebM audio on iOS? Either with AVPlayer, AVAudioEngine, or some other API?
Safari has supported this for a few releases now, and I'm wondering if I missed something about how to do this. By default these APIs don't seem to work (nor does ExtAudioFileOpen).
Our usecase is making it possible for iOS users to play back audio recorded in our webapp (desktop versions of Chrome & Firefox only support webm as a destination format for MediaRecorder)
I've been trying to use AVMIDIControlChangeEvent with a bankSelect message type to change the instrument the sequencer uses on a AVMusicTrack with no luck.
I started with the Apple AVAEMixerSample, converting the initial setup/loading and portions dealing with the sequencer to Swift. I got that working and playing the "bluesyRiff" and then modified it to play individual notes. So my createAndSetupSequencer looked like
func createAndSetupSequencer() {
sequencer = AVAudioSequencer(audioEngine: engine)
// guard let midiFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "bluesyRiff", withExtension: "mid") else {
// print (" failed guard trying to get URL for bluesyRiff")
// return
// }
let track = sequencer.createAndAppendTrack()
var currTime = 1.0
for i: UInt32 in 0...8 {
let newNoteEvent = AVMIDINoteEvent(channel: 0, key: 60+i, velocity: 64, duration: 2.0)
track.addEvent(newNoteEvent, at: AVMusicTimeStamp(currTime))
currTime += 2.0
The notes played, so then I also replaced the gs_instruments sound bank with GeneralUser GS MuseScore v1.442 first by trying
guard let soundBankURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "GeneralUser GS MuseScore v1.442", withExtension: "sf2") else {
do {
try sampler.loadSoundBankInstrument(at: soundBankURL, program: 0x001C, bankMSB: 0x79, bankLSB: 0x08)
} catch{....
This appears to work, the instrument (8 which is "Funk Guitar") plays. If I change to bankLSB: 0x00 I get the "Palm Muted guitar". So I know that the soundfont has these instruments
Stuff goes off the rails when I try to change the instruments in createAndSetupSequencer. Putting
let programChange = AVMIDIProgramChangeEvent(channel: 0, programNumber: 0x001C)
let bankChange = AVMIDIControlChangeEvent(channel: 0, messageType: AVMIDIControlChangeEvent.MessageType.bankSelect, value: 0x00)
track.addEvent(programChange, at: AVMusicTimeStamp(1.0))
track.addEvent(bankChange, at: AVMusicTimeStamp(1.0))
just before my add note loop doesn't produce any change. Loading bankLSB 8 (Funk) in sampler.loadSoundBankInstrument and trying to change with bankSelect 0 (Palm muted) in createAndSetupSequencer results in instrument 8 (Funk) playing not Palm Muted.
Loading bankLSB 0 (Palm muted) and trying to change with bankSelect 8 (Funk) doesn't work, 0 (Palm muted) plays
I also tried sampler.loadInstrument(at: soundBankURL) and then I always get the first instrument in the sound font file (piano)no matter what values I put in my programChange/bankChange
I've also changed the time in the track.addEvent to be 0, 1.0, 3.0 etc to no success
The sampler.loadSoundBankInstrument specifies two UInt8 parameters, bankMSB and BankLSB while the AVMIDIControlChangeEvent bankSelect value is UInt32 suggesting it might be some combination of bankMSB and BankLSB. But the documentation makes no mention of what this should look like. I tried various combinations of 0x7908, 0X0879 etc to no avail
I will also point out that I am able to successfully execute other control change events
For example adding
if i == 1 {
let portamentoOnEvent = AVMIDIControlChangeEvent(channel: 0, messageType: AVMIDIControlChangeEvent.MessageType.portamento, value: 0xFF)
track.addEvent(portamentoOnEvent, at: AVMusicTimeStamp(currTime))
let portamentoRateEvent = AVMIDIControlChangeEvent(channel: 0, messageType: AVMIDIControlChangeEvent.MessageType.portamentoTime, value: 64)
track.addEvent(portamentoRateEvent, at: AVMusicTimeStamp(currTime))
does produce a change in the sound. (As an aside, a definition of what portamento time is, other than "the rate of portamento" would be welcome. is it notes/seconds? freq/minute? beats/hour?)
I was able to get the instrument to change in a different program using MusicPlayer and a series of MusicTrackNewMIDIChannelEvent on a track but these operate on a MusicTrack not the AVMusicTrack which the sequencer uses.
Has anyone been successful in switching instruments through an AVMIDIControlChangeEvent or have any feedback on how to do this?
We are developing a real-time speech recognition application and are utilizing AVAudioEngine with voice processing enabled on the input node. However, we have observed that enabling this mode interferes with the built-in iOS screen recording feature - specifically, the recorded video does not capture any audio when this mode is active.
Since we want users to be able to record their experience within our app, this issue significantly impacts our functionality. Is there a known workaround or recommended approach to ensure that both voice processing and screen recording can function simultaneously?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Mobile app - Ellie's Gift
Using AVFoundation to play audio tracks within the app.
Has always been working fine across apple and android, but iphone 14 and newer devices are unable to play audio.
Any idea's or suggestions?