




Reply to Xcode 14 update has bugs and my code in c++ is not compiling with memory issues.
Here is the simplified version of above code with the same issue:- #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<map> using namespace std; const int inf = 2e9; int nu(vector<int>& suff, int l, int r, int n){ int ans = suff[l] - (r<n?suff[r+1]:0); return ans%9; } void test_case() { string s; cin>>s; int n = s.size(); int w, m; cin>>w>>m; vector<int> suff(n+1,0); suff[n] = (s[n-1]-'0'); for(int i = n-2;i>=0;i--){ suff[i+1] = suff[i+2] + (s[i]-'0'); } map<int, pair<int, int>> mp; for(int i = n-w+1;i>0;i--){ int t= nu(suff, i, i+w-1, n); mp[t] = {i, mp[t].first}; } while(m--){ int l,r,k; cin>>l>>r>>k; int v = nu(suff, l, r, n); int ans1 = inf, ans2 = inf; for(int j = 0;j<9;j++){ int l1 = mp[j].first; int p = (j*v)%9; int x = (k-p+9)%9; int l2 = mp[x].first; if(l2==l1) l2 = mp[x].second; if(l1>0 and l2>0){ if(l1<ans1){ ans1 = l1; ans2 = l2; }else if(l1==ans1){ ans2 = min(ans2, l2); } } } if(ans1<inf and ans2<inf){ cout<<ans1<<" "<<ans2<<endl; }else cout<<"-1 -1"<<endl; } } int main() { int tt = 1; cin >> tt; for(int i = 1;i<=tt;i++) { test_case(); } return 0; }
Sep ’22