




Reply to Xcode 15.0(15A240d) cannot connect to iOS 17.0.2
On 2023/10/29 update my brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max with no any data transferred from old phone and got it as clean as it can ever get. Not even sign in my iCloud account. Upgrade to the latest version of iOS 17.1. Remove my Xcode using AppClean and re-install Xcode 15.0.1 After going through all these troubles, the error message is still the same. I also tried using different wifi router, both my Mac Studio M2 and my iPhone 15 Pro Max to a different wifi router. THE error still occurred! I even connect my Mac Studio M2 to my virgin iPhone 15 Pro Max's hotspot. Still ERROR! I don't know if I should go as far as get another brand new mac like the iPhone 15 Pro Max, installed nothing except Xcode to test if it is Apple's problem or or or what? Build a new house Network environment??? Gosh!
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Oct ’23