




How do I associate a custom file type with a Catalyst app?
I'm trying to associate a custom file type and extension with my Mac Catalyst app. On the Mac, I can get this to work by adding the following key/values to my Info.plist: keyCFBundleDocumentTypes/key array dict keyCFBundleTypeName/key stringCustomUTI/string keyCFBundleTypeRole/key stringEditor/string keyLSHandlerRank/key stringOwner/string keyLSItemContentTypes/key array stringcom.jnpdx.customuti/string /array /dict /array keyUTExportedTypeDeclarations/key array dict keyUTTypeConformsTo/key array /array keyUTTypeDescription/key stringCustomUTI/string keyUTTypeIcons/key dict/ keyUTTypeIdentifier/key stringcom.jnpdx.customuti/string keyUTTypeTagSpecification/key dict keypublic.filename-extension/key array stringcustomuti/string /array keypublic.mime-type/key array stringcustom/uti/string /array /dict /dict /array Once I've modified the Info.plist, sometimes I have to build my app in Xcode and then drag the product to the Applications directory before launchd will associate the file type correctly. Once I do this, my app appears in the "Open with..." menu. However, the steps do not appear to work for a Catalyst target. If you look at the Twitter thread that I linked to before, it suggested that the Applications folder trick worked at one point, but I have had no luck getting it to work in Big Sur (I'm running 11.2.3). I've created a sample repo (including a couple of sample files) that you can try this out with so a tester can avoid the process of creating the targets. There is nothing here except for a "Hello, world!" app with the Info.plist set up as described above, with a macOS native target and a Catalyst target. (Remember the hint about dragging to Applications):
Apr ’21
Conditionally use Big Sur SwiftUI features on MacCatalyst app without dyld crash?
I'm trying to use ColorPicker in a Big Sur Catalyst app. I thought I had wrapped everything in the correct conditionals, but I'm getting a dyld crash on Catalina: Termination Reason:  DYLD, [0x4] Symbol missing Application Specific Information: dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries Dyld Error Message:  Symbol not found: _$s7SwiftUI11ColorPickerVMn  Referenced from: /private/var/folders/*/Metronomics (which was built for Mac OS X 14.0)  Expected in: /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUI.framework/Versions/A/SwiftUI  in /private/var/folders/*/ Here's my conditional import: if #available(iOS 14.0, macCatalyst 14.0, *) { 	ColorPicker("Display color", selection: colorBinding, supportsOpacity: false) } I tried both macCatalyst 11.0 and 14.0 for the conditional (not being sure whether the version number is referring to the macOS number or the underlying iOS number), but neither seemed to have an effect. My deployment target is macOS 10.15.5 Goal: I would like to be able to use ColorPicker on iOS 14 and Big Sur, but the app should run on iOS 13 and Catalina.
Nov ’20
onTapGesture unreliable in Big Sur Catalyst apps?
onTapGesture seems like it's incredibly unreliable (eg clicks/taps don't always trigger the onTapGesture closures -- best case is that they're intermittent) in Big Sur for Catalyst apps. The same code runs without problem on iOS 14 and Catalina (again, with Catalyst). Consider the following basic example: struct ContentView: View {     @State private var greenOn = false     @State private var blueOn = false     var body: some View {         HStack {             Rectangle()                 .fill(                 .opacity(greenOn ? 1.0 : 0.5)                 .frame(width: 100, height: 100)                 .contentShape(Rectangle())                 .onTapGesture(count: 1, perform: {                     greenOn.toggle()                     print("Tapped")                 })             Rectangle()                 .fill(                 .opacity(blueOn ? 1.0 : 0.5)                 .frame(width: 100, height: 100)                 .onTapGesture(count: 1, perform: {                     blueOn.toggle()                     print("Tapped 2")                 })         }     } } Try to tap the green and blue squares. Best case for me (Big Sur, 11.0.1) is that sometimes onTapGesture will get called. The easy solution is to convert them to Buttons instead -- but, there are plenty of situations where that isn't ideal (Buttons, for example, don't play nicely with DragGesture). Is there any way around this bug? Some way to make it work? Or am I stuck until an update restores functionality with Catalina/iOS 14
Nov ’20