Delve into the world of built-in app and system services available to developers. Discuss leveraging these services to enhance your app's functionality and user experience.






openAppWhenRun makes AppIntent crash when launched from Control Center.
Adding the openAppWhenRun property to an AppIntent for a ControlWidgetButton causes the following error when the control is tapped in Control Center: Unknown NSError The operation couldn’t be completed. (LNActionExecutorErrorDomain error 2018.) Here’s the full ControlWidget and AppIntent code that causes the errorerror: Should controls be able to open apps after the AppIntent runs, or is this a bug?
WeatherKit REST API does not return daily forecast data for over 9 days
Upon requesting forecast data for more than 9 days, the API would return "400 Bad Request". Here are some values I tried (as of 2024-07-02T15:00:00Z): (dailyStart is in past) dailyStart=2024-07-01T15:00:00Z dailyEnd=2024-07-11T15:00:00Z expected= 10 days forecast actual= 10 days forecast (dailyStart is current date, forcecast > 9 days) fails dailyStart=2024-07-02T15:00:00Z dailyEnd=2024-07-12T15:00:00Z expected= 10 days forecast actual= 400 Bad Request (dailyStart is current date, forecast <= 9 days) dailyStart=2024-07-02T15:00:00Z dailyEnd=2024-07-11T15:00:00Z expected= 9 days forecast actual= 9 days forecast (no values passed) fails dailyStart= dailyEnd= expected= 10 days forecast actual= 9 days forecast The official documentation says: dailyEnd: The time to end the daily forecast. If this parameter is absent, daily forecasts run for 10 days. dailyStart: The time to start the daily forecast. If this parameter is absent, daily forecasts start on the current day. This started happening sometime last week. Would someone please tell me what changed with the API? Thank you.
Apple SSO response "invalid_client"
Apple SSO response "invalid_client" Process Access apple auth token url Showed apple login view Login as genuine apple user(email, password) Authenticate apple user Confirm "continue for AppleID '*****' to 'App'?" Redirect responsed "400 Bad Request {"error":"invalid_client"}" What is causing the error? verification Using apple_client_token is jwt. We checked on "Signature Verified". The apple_client_token used in the request was correct. Original text(japanese) Apple SSO response "invalid_client"
iOS 18 2beta.
Suggestion for Calculator App: Option to Hide Operations and Show Only Results. Hello, I am a magician and I have been using the iPad calculator in my performances for 25 years. It would be incredibly helpful to have an option in the calculator app to hide the current operation and show only the results. This feature would be very useful for live performances where simplicity and focusing on the final result are crucial. Thank you for considering my suggestion. Best regards, Sermagic.
Passkey autofill doesn't require biometric or code to autofill
"ASCredentialProviderViewController" class was implemented in my password manager to autofill password for the app clients. I've added passkey support recently but biometric/code authentication is not asked by the system when the user tries to sign in with a passkey thanks to "provideCredentialWithoutUserInteraction(for credentialRequest: ASCredentialRequest)". For passwords: extensionContext.completeRequest(withSelectedCredential: ASPasswordCredential(), completionHandler: nil) -> Does trigger biometric/code authentication For passkeys: extensionContext.completeAssertionRequest(using: ASPasskeyAssertionCredential()) -> Does NOT trigger biometric/code authentication => Why authentication is managed by the system for password but not for passkeys ? And how to fix that?
Subject: Update Received Regarding Apple Developer Program License Agreement - Clarification for Free App
Hi everyone, I recently received a notification within the Apple Developer Program mentioning the need to review and accept the Paid Applications Schedule (Schedule 2) to update my existing app. However, my app is completely free and doesn't have any in-app purchases. I've already accepted the latest version of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Can anyone clarify why I'm seeing this message about Schedule 2 even though my app is free? Is there anything I need to do specifically to update my free app? Thanks in advance for any insights!
macOS Widgets won't launch with app group set
i'm working on an app which shares a swiftdata database between the main app and its widgets. prior to the sequoia/xcode 16 betas this was working fine with setting the same app group for app & widget targets. however, now whenever i try to run my main app from Xcode i get a user permission requestor saying " would like to access data from other apps.". this happens every time i run it. whenever the widget is started (via trying to place it on the desktop, or the widgetkit simulator etc) it exits immediately (i assume because it can't show the permission requestor?) if i disable the app group for the widget, it runs.. however, of course, i can't access the main app's database. i'm on sequoia beta 2 (24A5279h) and Xcode 16 beta 2 (16A5171r) note: while the widgetkit simulator is now present in sequoia beta 2, i haven't actually been able to successfully use it
Using iPadOS 18 with Mac running macOS 14.5
I have a Mac Mini M1 running macOS 14.5 Sonoma. Until recently I was running iPadOS 17 on my iPad, and things worked just fine. I had the iPad setup so that it displayed its own stuff, but allowed my to operate my mouse on the iPad screen by moving past the left hand side of my monitor. This combined with copy and paste between iPadOS and macOS gave me a great workflow. A couple of days ago I installed the dev beta of iPadOS 18 on my iPad, and seem to have lost access to all of the functionality described in the first paragraph. Can anyone advise of what I need to do to get it back, or is it just a case of waiting for Apple to re-establish the missing functionality in newer versions of the beta?
AVPlayer & Quicktime Player reporting incorrect total duration
I have an mp4 file (which is around 25min) which i need to play but if i open it in quick time player or AVplayer, it shows as around 55min in those two platfroms. I don't understand why this happens. It correctly shows the time when opening with a browser or VSCode built in video playback. Here is the link to the file:
My macOS app+helper is not in the System Preferences/Login Item/ "Allow Background" list
I created a macOS app that can run in foreground (NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular) and in background (NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory) and can be launched by an Helper (Login Item) and run in background. I use XCode 15.3 (15E204a) on macOS 14.2.1 on a MacBook Pro 16", 2019, 2,3 GHz Intel Core i9 8 core. I archive my app, I notarize it for direct distribution then I save it to the /Applications folder. Then I delete my Debug app from …/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dal…xu/Build/Products/Debug so I am sure I have one only copy of my app on the disk. I firstly launch my app as NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular then I select my menu item "Set the app as Login Item". So I call SMAppService *service = [SMAppService loginItemServiceWithIdentifier:@"com.mydomain.Helper"]; I get a service.status == SMAppServiceStatusNotFound So I am stuck. I notice that my app doesn't show up in the System Preferences/Login Items/ "Allow Background" list. So on Terminal I run the command sudo sfltool resetbtm Now the "Allow Background" apps list is empty. Then I reboot. All the apps listed in "Allow Background" list reappear and are all turned "on". I turn them back off. My app is on the list too (turned "on" too). I leave it on. Now I can launch my app as NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular, select again my menu item "Set the app as Login Item" and call SMAppService *service = [SMAppService loginItemServiceWithIdentifier:@"com.domain.Helper"]; Now I get a service.status == SMAppServiceStatusEnabled so I install the NSStatusItem and switch to background (NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory). I can logout and login and my app gets properly launched by the Helper and run in background. Everything works well. I guess I miss something, because I think this is not the way to distribute my app to the customers. I can't ask my customers to run the Terminal command sudo sfltool resetbtm, reboot then turn back "off" all the unwanted apps from the "Allow Background" list then turn my app "on". Furthermore, if I delete my app, it disappears from the "Allow Background" apps list, then if I copy it back to the /Applications folder, it doesn't show up yet in the "Allow Background" apps list. I have to invoke again the sudo sfltool resetbtm Terminal command, reboot… to see it in that list. I tried on 3 machines with macOS 14.2.1. Same result. I have read several articles and posts about NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory, SMAppService, but I didn't find my case. The Info.plist file of the Helper properly contains <key>LSBackgroundOnly</key><true/> <key>LSUIElement</key><true/> • What do I miss? • Why my app doesn't show up in the "Allow Background" apps list when I simply copy it within the /Applications folder?