I recently got a Mac with the Apple Silicon chip and I wanted to build an xCode iOS project but I have some issues:
The project contains Pods and Swift Packages. At the begining I was not able to run the application at all and always got the following error:
Could not find module '***' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64, arm64-apple-ios-simulator
After some research, I found that many people have solved this problem by changing the property "Exclude Architectures" on the Build Settings (both for the main project and the pods) to "Any iOS simulator SDK - arm64". After doing this, I was able to run the app on a physical device and on the mac target (designed for iPad) but the simulators and SwiftUI Preview still doesn't work.
Do you have any solution for this problem ?
Thank you by advance !
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