Agreed. The first thing I stumbled upon when trying to solve the problem was advertisements for Xcode Cloud (not even available yet), which immediately made me suspect Apple is either intentionally trying to steer developers to their new service or they're simply neglecting Xcode server in favor of the cloud services. Either way it's unacceptable for many... for all right now. And that begs the question, how is everyone that is successfully running CI/CD doing it right now? I've got one new Mac mini M1, fresh out of the box, purchased explicitly for this development setup and this is a complete blocker. Several relatively new machines also fail with the exact same error. So the only conclusion I've reached so far is that any development houses NOT facing this problem are running older versions Xcode and Xcode server from a year or more ago, and have yet to encounter this.
I have found related issues, leading me to the theory that I can replace OpenSSL and solve the problem, BUT that means replacing the macOS distribution of openssl, which is relatively difficult to do, and absolutely ill-advised.
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