In our application we are using OTP login. When accessibility full keyboard access is enabled, and we are trying to enter OTP in the OTP field that time in iOS 17 focus is moving to the next text field accordingly but in iOS 18 focus is staying the first OTP field only and not moving to the next text field.
In our application we are using a pop over view and we have enabled the accessibility VoiceOver, When user navigating inside the popover and reached to the last element that time with the right swipe we need to dismiss the popover.
In our application we are using a Search bar in a pop over view and we have enabled Accessibility full keyboard access and we are using external keyboard. Now if the focus is on Searcher that time by next Tab key press Search bar will dismiss and focus needs to shift to the next UIElement.
In our application we are using UITableView for data population and that TableView cell contains a button. When we are enabling full keyboard access that time only TableView cell is focusing not the button. We need to focus on cell and button differently.
In our application we are using UIAlertViewController. When accessibility full keyboard access is enabled, and we are trying to dismiss that AlertViewController with Esc key from external keyboard that is not working. We are presenting AlertViewController as a popover. We need dismiss the AlertViewController with Esc key press from external keyboard.
I am uploading pdf document through document picker from One drive. When I am uploading pdf document from OneDrive personal account it is working fine but when I am uploading from OneDrive business account it is getting failed.
I'm about to release an app update with a new app icon. I updated to Xcode 13 + iOS 15, and no matter what I try, the iPad keeps showing my previous version of the app icon.
I am using PDFKit to draw annotation over PDF view. While performing multiple highlighter annotation most of the time long pressing on the highlighter annotation is getting proper frame but in one PDF when long pressing on the highlighter annotation is getting large frame and it is selecting all the nearest highlighter.
This method is giving the wrong location and this is the default method of PDFKit.
let tapPageLocation = pdfView.convert(location, to: page)