We're experiencing an issue with Local Network Permission. When trying to connect to a socket, the Local Network Permission alert pops up. To trigger the permission request at the start of the app, we used the following code to ask for permission and receive a callback on whether it's granted. However, this approach doesn't always trigger the permission alert, or it gets automatically dismissed after 30 seconds, only to reappear later. What could be causing this inconsistent behavior?
func checkLocalNetworkPermission(_ completed: Optional<(Bool) -> Void> = .none) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
let hostName = ProcessInfo.processInfo.hostName
let isGranted = hostName.contains(".local")
if let completed {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
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We are working on an app that communicates over a UDP connection on the local network. In our testing, we have a Python UDP client running on the same network, which responds when we send a message to a broadcast IP ( This setup works as expected on an iOS 15 device.
However, when we test the same scenario on an iOS 18 device, the UDP communication doesn't seem to reach the Python UDP client. We've verified that the UDP client and the iOS device are on the same network, and the Python client is responding correctly.
Has Apple introduced any restrictions or changes regarding UDP broadcast behavior in iOS 18? Is broadcasting to still supported, or has this functionality been limited in recent iOS versions?