Swift Charts: Raise the bar

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Discuss the WWDC22 Session Swift Charts: Raise the bar

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Scrollable Plot Area
Is there a way to create scrolling/paging behavior in the charts just like is done in the Health app? I have a similar app that also displays health data (such as heart rate and steps) and with my current custom charts the user can page back to see data from previous weeks (by default it shows the current week). Just like in the health app the user can go back as long as there is data, which can be several years (so hundreds go pages). I'd love to replace my custom implementation with Swift Charts but for that I do need this scrolling behavior.
Oct ’23
SwiftUI Charts AxisValueLabel disappears when using centered: true
Hi there, When using the AxisValueLabel in Swift Charts, the moment you add centered: true, the month or day on the right disappears. This has been a bug for over five months since I looked through other developer forums and they had the same issue. AxisValueLabel(format: .dateTime.weekday(), centered: true) leads to the following view: Now if we remove the centered: true, saturday will appear. It is probably a spacing issue, but since these are modifiers provided by Apple, it should do it correctly, right? If I am missing something and this is by desing, please enlighten me. Best Til
Aug ’23