What's new in StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode

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Discuss the WWDC23 Session What's new in StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode

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How to resolve the issue of 'verifyReceipt' being deprecated?
Dear Apple Developer Support Team: Our product is currently using the Original StoreKit to provide subscription services to our users, and we are using "https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt" to verify the subscription status of users. Everything is done within our mobile app, and we do not have our own server. However, we have recently discovered that verifyReceipt has been deprecated, and during our TestFlight testing of our subscription service, we often encounter issues such as slow subscription callbacks and lengthy subscription status verification times. Therefore, we are reaching out to seek your assistance. We hope that you can provide us with some help in resolving the issues we are facing with our subscription service development. This will enable us to have a more sustainable collaboration in the future. We look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible. Thank you! Best regards, Avocado Development Team
Aug ’23
StoreKit 2/StoreKit for Paid to Fremium Migration
I am trying to migrate my app from paid to freemium and am facing several issues and doubts. Specifically, I am trying to use StoreKit2 AppTransaction API but I am not averse to using StoreKit if my problems are not solved by StoreKit2: Here are my questions: AppTransaction/Receipt on launch: I see on launch the AppTransaction.shared call fails on the sandbox initially. That means it's possible that on user's who have purchased the app previously, the AppTransaction (or appStoreReceipt in original StoreKit) may not be available when the user downloads or updates the app? That means I will need to ask every user to authenticate with AppStore to refresh the receipt/AppTransaction? Volume Purchase Users: I see StoreKit2 is not advised for volume purchases on the Apple website. I am not sure why that is the case, but does that mean AppTransaction will not be available for users who made Volume purchases under VPP? Is the flow to validate VPP users different? If StoreKit 2 can not be used, can the original StoreKit API help here, or nothing can be of help here?
Nov ’23
No SHA-256 intermediate certificate for Sandbox, still SHA-1 signature
As indicated on the website below the sandbox should now have a SHA-256 signature for new purchases starting on June 20, 2023 for apps running in iOS 16.6 and higher. I tried with iOS 17 beta, still getting a SHA-1 signed receipt. Has anybody managed to get a SHA-256 signed receipt? TN3138: Handling App Store receipt signing certificate changes | Apple Developer Documentation
Sep ’23