This bank account number is the wrong length (HELP)

Hi, I am getting "This bank account number is the wrong length. Please edit the bank account information and fix the bank account number." Error while creating Bank Account Information. Avoid the specified number of lengths?

Have you managed to solve that issue?
I have the same problem... no way to fill banking information...

Banks accounts have a well defined format, the IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

have a look here to see what the format is for your country.

h tps://

What is the country where your account is registered ?


Use 10 digits for the account number.

Mine begins with a 0, so I was confused as well when it didn't work, because I am used to type only the following 9 letters.

But then I prepended a 0 and it worked.



I managed to solve this, the number length was 11. It was a bit tricky because i had to trim some numbers from the begining and ending

Can u tell me what did u do ?

I try to fill my account number 6 digits from first international bank and i get an error message

This bank account number is the wrong length. Please edit the bank account information and fix the bank account number.


Usually, those numbers have some type of CRC. Not necessaruily the same length everywhere.

You could try by skipping some initial letters (like country code if any) or trailing numbres.

Or, tell what is your account format (don't give the real number, just the format as: ABC 1234 5678 YZ)

as well as the country where the account is registered

Did you solve this issue? We are in the same problem (and i think in the same country - israel)

IBAN in Israel seem to have 8 digits, plus 5 for bank ID.

Total IBAN is 19 digits: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999

h ttps://

According to that page, the BBAN is 19 digits, but the IBAN is 23.

And indeed, our IBAN is 23 digits, and is identified as a correct IBAN in

However, iTunes connect does not accept it. Also, is the error message about the bank account number or the IBAN?

Here is what I did, and I thing will answer the problem for anyone around the world:

First, copy your IBAN from your bank account.

Then go back to the apple page where you recived that comment about the wrong legnth of bank account number:

Paste your IBAN in the placeholder of the "Bank Account Number".

Look at the top of that page: you will see "Bank/Branch Code", already with your bank's code filled in.

What you have to do is: erase the digits of the begining of the IBAN in the "bank accoumt number" placeholder, ontil after that "Bank/Branch Code" you see above.

Whatever is left after that is the right length apple is expecting you to fill in as your bank account number.

Hope I helped 🙂

One caveat: not all countries adopted IBAN:

h tps://

Thank you very much! It worked for me. Here is what I did:

Bank branch code is: 0067 00*** 00y

IBAN is: TRzzz006701000000012345678

I removed all digits from left to 0067 from IBAN, so what left is Bank Account Number, which is: 01000000012345678

Together with IBAN and other data filled to relative fields, it worked.

thank you ! it did the work

its working like above thanks a lot guys.

You are awesome!! wokring fine.

This bank account number is the wrong length (HELP)