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iOS in-app purchasing in Unity app
Hi everyone, I am working on a Unity iOS app. I am adding in-app purchasing in my app. I have added Unity IAP to the Unity project, as well as the code for initialising and purchasing a subscription with the product ID. I have also added my certificates and provisioning profile in Xcode with in-app purchasing capabilities. Also, I have set up an App Store Connect page with a non-renewing subscription with a unique product ID and all required information. The subscription status is ready to submit. I have added a sandbox tester account in it. In unity editor, it is working fine with fake purchase receipt. While testing in an iOS device, apple ID is logged out. But there is an error occurs everytime : IAP not initialized. Also I have uploaded a newer version of app on app store connect, it is in waiting for review status. Is there any step or something I am missing that it is not working in iOS device? Please help
March 2025: What’s New with Apple Developer Forums
Thanks for your engagement, participation, and contributions to the Apple Developer Community! We’ve made some minor updates today to the Forums - curious about what’s changed? Here’s the rundown: Customize your experience with a developer profile Creating a developer profile allows you, if you choose, to share your interests and preferences so we’re better able to support you. In Developer Forums, creating a profile and choosing to share it publicly is an easy way to connect with fellow developers. Soon, having a profile will help unlock a more personalized experience across - powering smarter surfacing of recommendations, activities, and opportunities tailored to your interests. Learn more. Other features and improvements With this release, we’ve also made some enhancements and fixed a few bugs based on feedback you’ve submitted. These include: Expanded save draft functionality from posts to replies so you don’t lose those drafts unexpectedly Added line numbers in code blocks Restored text highlighting back to system default Syntax coloring carries through to code blocks within posts Fixed a time stamping issue which was impacting ‘last updated’ sort functionality Wish there was a feature or improvement on Developer Forums? We welcome feedback and feature requests.
Fed up with forum "Unauthorized" messages.
I'm fed up with this. I write a detailed message and press Submit, and I get that. I press back, and my composition is gone. I think it happens most often when I've logged in only recently, i.e. I've read a few posts, decide to reply to one and log in. At that point, if I close everything and start again and find the thread I want to reply to then it works. But if I don't do that then I run the risk of being told I'm "unauthorized" and losing whatever I've written. This isn't rocket science! Why do we put up with it?
Cannot access profile page of individual DTS engineers
Until recently, it was possible to view the profiles of every user who posted in the forums. The profile page would then have links to posts/replies and other pages so that one could "follow" the recent comments by those users. However, it appears that it no longer is possible to view a profile of individual "DTS Engineer". What I mean is I can no longer view their profile page and as a result the recent posts/replies that a specific "DTS Engineer" makes. It's especially a loss because posts made by such engineers are very helpful and valuable and not being able to easily follow such posts on a single page makes the forum software less useful. Is there a way the previous feature can be brought back?
Request for Guidance on Cross-Platform Heart Rate Data Sharing
Dear Apple Developer Support, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out for guidance on a project that involves sharing heart rate data between an iOS app and an Android app. I have developed a watchOS app that continuously fetches heart rate data from an Apple Watch and displays it in a companion iOS app. Additionally, I have built an Android fitness app using Ionic Angular. My goal is to create a bridge that allows the heart rate data from the iOS app to be displayed continuously in the Android app. I am considering using a backend server (e.g., Node.js) to facilitate this data transfer. Could you please provide any insights or recommendations on the best approach for achieving this cross-platform data sharing? I would appreciate any guidance on potential challenges or limitations I might encounter. Thank you for your time and assistance. Sincerely, Venu Madhav
Request to Change Username on Developer Forum
Dear [Support Team/Moderator], I hope you are doing well. I would like to request a username change for my account on the AbhishekOpl. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an option to update it in the profile settings. Here are my details: Current Username: AbhishekOpl Desired Username: ManishOpl If a username change is not possible, please let me know any alternative solutions. I appreciate your assistance and look forward to your response. Best regards,
"Too many redirects" on forum
Anyone else seeing this? I'm sometimes getting "too many redirects" errors from Safari when trying to view this forum: It goes away after a while, randomly. Also: this is hard to debug; the Network tab in the Safari Javascript Console only shows the final load of the error page, not the failure. Is there a way to see the actual redirect loop URLs?
Feb ’25
Developer Forum Name Change
I have been waiting for months to get the name of my account on the developer forum changed. I had initially set it up as Playbrainiacs to match my solely owned company name. However, some other people started using "Playbrainiac" without the s at the end, in their websites etc. causing confusion. They also refused to sell the url to me for a reasonable price. I applied for a Trademark with USTPO in the name Playbrainiacs but it was denied due to a company in Canada with a name called PlayBrainy. Given my small budget I decided to abandon it and forgo the needless lawyer costs. Consequently I changed my company name to "Gigi Sehgal LLC" and removed the name Playbrainiacs everywhere. BUT Apple developer forum support has STILL not updated the name here. This is becoming a marketing and legal liability for me. Anybody have insights in how to get this fixed soon? My App was approved however I turned encryption on and am now waiting on the classification category code for the same from the US Govt ( that has also been pending for over a month )
Jan ’25
App.pkg notarization is stuck since 3 days
Hi, Our organization develops a Mac app and distributes it our of the Mac store. We have been creating App.dmg files for this and signed it with the Developer ID Application certificate and uploaded them for notarization using "xcrun notarytool". Everything was working fine until we created a new Developer ID Installer certificate to test the new App.pkg installer and uploaded it for notarization to the Apple server. It's been 3 days now and our production pipeline is stuck because all the submissions remain in In-Progress state and do not proceed further. Details of the submission:- createdDate: 2025-01-03T06:44:20.306Z id: 7af70d77-1bab-4b17-aeba-7ddc75c030f9 name: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pkg status: In Progress Since then, no submission(even for .dmg files) are processing through. I’ve raised a ticket with the support team as well, but it hasn’t helped. What more can we try to get out of this hole?
Jan ’25