How to Disable the Dictation Button for UITextView and UITextField


We are writing a HIPAA compliant app that allows users to enter text. We need to disable the Siri Dictation button on the keyboard of our UITextFields and UITextViews in the event that the user has enabled this feature in their keyboard settings.

Is there an easy way to do this? Do we need to write our own keyboard UI? Is there an easy way to copy the existing keyboard UI and remove the button?



Not possible to remove the button (unless you design a custom keyboard).

Does not seem to exist simple solution.

May have a look here:

Thanks, I don't actually care about removing the button, I just want to disable it. I'll check out the link you shared.



I would avoid using private APIs and go with a workaround instead, like changing the keyboard type (as suggested in the StackOverflow post):

textField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress;

Is this going to make your app less accessible (i.e. not ADA compliant)? I keep suggesting dictation as a possibility to friends and family who have RSI.

How to Disable the Dictation Button for UITextView and UITextField