I know that 32-bit support is going away in a future version of macOS and Xcode 10 does not support developing 32-bit applications. However I am working on a project which needs a 32-bit executable to bootstrap (for now, hopefully will be fixed soon)
The question is: will upgrading to Xcode 10 also update the command line tools so that they are 64-bit only? Or is it just a change to the GUI / .xcodeproj files?
I couldn't see this info anywhere in the release notes.
I have the same issue but I did find that this has been documented here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode_release_notes/xcode_10_release_notes?language=objc
By this bit:
The macOS 10.14 SDK no longer contains support for compiling 32-bit applications. If developers need to compile for i386, Xcode 9.4 or earlier is required. (39858111)
Regards Rob.