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Feedback Assistant: „This Feedback will no longer be monitored, and incoming messages will not be reviewed.“
Every now and then I get this very frustrating message on Feedback Assistant. For instance, in FB14696726 I reported an issue with the App Store Connect API. 4 weeks later, I got a reply, asking among other things for a „correlation key and Charles log“. I immediately replied saying that I didn‘t know what those are, and they replied After reviewing your feedback, it is unclear what the exact issue is. I pointed out that I had asked a question which was left unanswered, and they replied explaining what the correlation key is. Then I asked again what the Charles log is. They replied The Apple Developer website provides access to a range of videos covering various topics on using and developing with Apple technologies. You can find these videos on our Development Videos page: http://developer.apple.com/videos. I opened the link and searched for „Charles“ but there were no results, so I asked to kindly point me to the video answering my question. They replied 3 months later (today): Following up on our last message, we believe this issue is either resolved or not reproducible with the information provided and will now consider this report closed internally. This Feedback will no longer be monitored, and incoming messages will not be reviewed. This is not the first time I ask for clarification and get back a message basically telling me that „we won‘t answer any questions you may have and won‘t hear anything you still may have to say about this issue“. They didn‘t even ask me to verify if the issue is resolved or not, like they sometimes do. No, they just shut the door in my face. I just wanted to share this frustrating experience. Perhaps an Apple engineer wants to say something about it or a developer has had a similar experience?
The iPhone set display and brightness to automatic, the App is placed in the dock column at the bottom of the desktop, and the icon showing the dark mode appears in the light mode. Is this a system problem?
The iPhone set display and brightness to automatic, the App is placed in the dock column at the bottom of the desktop, and the icon showing the dark mode appears in the light mode. Is this a system problem? device: iPhone 16 pro max system version: 18.2
Swift Compiler Issue?
I've encountered a strange issue with Swift and I wonder if this is a compiler error or if I didn't understand something correctly. The following sample code shows a weird issue (please ignore that the demo code itself would not make that much sense in this form, it's just the version from a big and more complicated project, where this would make more sense): class Test { var data: [String:[String:String]] = [:] func test() { let setValue: ((String, String, String) -> Void) = { [weak self] key, id, value in if self!.data[key] == nil { self!.data[key] = [:] } let oldValue = self!.data[key]![id] if oldValue == nil { self!.data[key]![id] = value } } setValue("0", "1", "2") } } When changing the "data" dictionary through the closure within the "test()" function, everything works as expected until the "if" condition where the oldValue is checked against nil. If I set a break point to this condition, the Xcode debugger tells me that oldValue is nil (which is expected), but the code within the if condition is NOT executed. The comparison oldValue == nil should be be true (because oldValue is actually nil), but the compiler seems to assume something else. But If I do not user "self!" but instead "self?" then it does work as expected and the code within the if condition is executed. What I am missing here? Is this the correct behavior or a compiler bug?
Fairplay 4.x Certificate Revocation
I created a fairplay.cer file using the below commands : openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 1024 openssl req -new -key private_key.pem -out request.csr Here, I manually entered the Country, Organization, etc. I was supposed to use the below commands to make the same : openssl genrsa -aes256 -out privatekey.pem 1024 opensslreq-new-sha1-keyprivatekey.pem-outcertreq.csr-subj "/CN=SubjectName /OU=OrganizationalUnit /O=Organization /C=US" Owing to this, I am unable to create a .p12 file through Keychain Access. I thus want to generate a new fairplay.cer file for Fairplay 4.x. I want to revoke the certificate in order to generate a new one (as it has a limit of 1 certificate for Fairplay) Requesting developer support from Apple. Have raised multiple requests over the past 4 days.
BLE Requirements for MacOS
I am working on a hobby project to develop my own Bluetooth peripheral. The platform for this peripheral is a Espressif ESP32-based TinyS3 from Unexpected Maker. I have defined the bluetooth device & service information using custom UUIDs. Using nRF Connect or Light Blue mobile applications I can discover and connect to my device. I receive confirmation of this BLE connection and modifications to the my BLE Service from my code on my TinyS3. I am attempting to write a custom software program that uses the onboard Mac Bluetooth hardware to detect this device. I am technically using Qt's Bluetooth infrastructure via PySide6 [python]. Despite being able to see my device in the mobile BLE applications, my software as well as the Mac Bluetooth System Services does not detect my BLE device. I am broadcasting advertising messages at a 250ms rate, and since they are findable by these mobile applications, I am wondering if MacOS has specific requirements for advertising data for what it considers as a "legitimate/ connectable" device. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Issues with Safari dev tools + WKWebView + local URL + iOS 18 simulator
When I'm inspecting a WKWebView in a simulator and the WKWebView loads a local URL with a port number, I've found that most features of Safari dev tools that worked in iOS 17 are broken in iOS 18. Here are the steps I'm taking: Set up a WKWebView with isInspectable = true that loads a local URL, e.g. https://www.local.mydomain.com:3000 Install a self-signed SSL certificate on a simulator for www.local.mydomain.com Run my app on the simulator The WKWebView loads successfully In Safari on my Mac, I can select the WKWebView and open dev tools to inspect it If the simulator is on iOS 17, this works fine, no issues. But if the simulator is on iOS 18, Safari dev tools are mostly broken. I can tell that there is a connection to the WKWebView because the Network tab logs the requests that I expect. But I cannot use any of the other dev tools features: Elements, Sources, Console, etc. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a workaround?
Purchase with FaceId resulting in SKError.Code.unknown
So I've run a promo for my which offerred a free purchase for a while. Some people - and it looks like mostly in Germany - ran into an issue that the purchase would fail with SKError.Code.unknown. One user noted that if you cover FaceID and use your password when making the purchase it would succeed. That was then my guidance and it seemed to have worked for everyone. Is there a way from my side to prevent that error?
Hundreds of StoreKit2 Errors: 4097
So I ran a promo for my app that got me 30k downloads or so. The app was free for a day and so it got lots of "purchases". There were two errors from StoreKit2 that I can't explain (I'll detail the other one in another post) This one: StoreKit.StoreKitError.systemError(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service with pid 19497 named com.apple.storekitd" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service with pid 19497 named com.apple.storekitd} There are various theories online that the display name of the purchase could be an issue. Another was that this indicates that this indicates that a helper process has crashed. Generally my guidance was to restart the device and that seemed to resolve it for most if not everyone. But not everyone reached out and it rained bad reviews and I was accused of a bait and switch and so on. Is there any way to mitigate this? Any way to address it? It doesn't happen for everyone but it happens very frequently still.
WeatherKit now returning {"reason": "EXPIRED"}
I've been using the weather kit API for months now without issue, but all of a sudden API queries return the response {"reason": "EXPIRED"}. The code around this area hasn't changed since June and the credentials haven't changed. The JWT is refreshed frequently (well within expiration). Have looked at the generated JWT in jwt.io and Payload and Header details correct and jwt.io reports JWT as "signature verified". Is the JWT a red herring and its something else? Here's an example URL: https://weatherkit.apple.com/api/v1/weather/en_AU/-37.37834963844341/144.76238003519637?dailyStart=2024-12-12T13:00:00Z&dailyEnd=2024-12-13T13:00:00Z&timeZone=Australia/Melbourne&dataSets=forecastDaily Would appreciate any insights you may have.
Text input going to terminal instead of TextEditor/TextView
I'm making an app using SwiftUI and trying to use the TextEditor view. However when I run it, and I try entering text into the TextEditor, the characters don't appear, they do however appear in the terminal that i used to run the app. The same problem exists with the TextField view. I usually run it using swift run but have also tried swift build and running the produced executable as well as using release mode. Minimal example: import SwiftUI @main struct Example: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } struct ContentView: View { @State var text: String = "" var body: some View { TextEditor(text: $text) } }
Distribute iOS app to Tester from website
Background: We are developing an App for both Windows, Android and iOS. Our process is that virtually every pull request must be tested by a tester before being pushed to the main branch. Up until now, we have been distributing the 3 versions to our testers via Microsoft AppCenter. Unfortunately, AppCenter is stopping per 31 March 2025 and we are looking for an alternative method. As the Play Store isn't really useful for us for distributing android apps (a test build can take a few hours before appearing according to their documentation), we may have to look into setting up our own distribution website for our apps. As such I was wondering, rather then using Test Flight for iOS, to also distribute the iOS app via our own website to our testers as it would be easier for our testers to have everything together. Even though our apps are build and signed using an "ad hoc" provisioning profile, it's still not possible to just install the .IPA files just by downloading it. The actual question: So my question is, how can I install our app to our testers from a website. Do I have to set the link as something specific? Or has AppCenter been using a trick not available to us mere mortals? To clarify: I am only asking for distributing to our testers using the ad hoc provisioning profile with the test devices registers at apple. I am NOT asking for distribution to end users, that goes via the App Store as usual.
Problema con SPM y pods en xcode 16 y macos sequoia 15.1.1
When I try to install packages through spm it doesn't find the packages.swift file, and with pods I have problems with Foundation. Trying to install Firebase shows that many pods have issues with double quotes. I don't know if it's my PC using everything updated or what, but I'm having a lot of problems and I haven't been able to reconcile my first application. I don't want to give up, and I would like some advice, since you have managed it, I would appreciate some help. I have followed tutorials, cases of people with similar problems, but it always throws some error. My pc is mac m1
[azure devops and Github runners] AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Assert: platformExpert, value: 0
Description When starting the iOS simulators on macOS-15 intel image, the following assertion happens: The same issue not showing for macOS 15-arm64 image. Here is the issue details: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10925 raised by multiple users. AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Assert: platformExpert, value: 0 AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Failed to get AppleVirtualPlatformARMPE service. The Simulators worked fine the day before the above issue was posted. What changed? Did something update?
notarization: ".pkg could not be extracted."
Hi, after a software update of our previously successfully notarizated installion .pkg we now receive a cryptic notarization issue refusing the entire .pkg: { "logFormatVersion": 1, "jobId": "5cff2d71-7228-4fb4-a39d-329084cd2713", "status": "Invalid", "statusSummary": "Archive contains critical validation errors", "statusCode": 4000, "archiveFilename": "my_installer.pkg.zip", "uploadDate": "2024-12-04T23:17:14.016Z", "sha256": "2f26d0376506abe130ac904d7cb0d0cd5428666624428da9f44da7756352844f", "ticketContents": null, "issues": [ { "severity": "error", "code": null, "path": "my_installer.pkg.zip", "message": "Package my_installer.pkg.zip has no signed executables or bundles. No tickets can be generated.", "docUrl": null, "architecture": null }, { "severity": "warning", "code": null, "path": "my_installer.pkg.zip/my_installer.pkg", "message": "The contents of the package at my_installer.pkg.zip/my_installer.pkg could not be extracted.", "docUrl": null, "architecture": null } ] } What could be the reason for that? We've also submitted the .pkg (not zipped) with the same result. We build it on different macOS versions, including Sonoma 14.7 with latest developer tools installed, without any change in outcome. But when extracting it via the undocumented: pkgutil --expand-full and .zipping the raw contents (without re-packaging it as .pkg) and sending it again, notarization succeeds for all components. However the installation for the .pkg still fails with the notarization dialog. I was under the assumption that it is sufficient to notarize the .pkg contents but this does not seem to be true, or? Any hints or help is highly appreciated, Thanks!
On passing the filename with spaces encoded with stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:], the path is not converted back to the decoded file name and returning false.
We have a Push-To-Talk application, which also allow user's to share the PDF file documents. On receiving a PDF file document, which has a space in its file name. On saving the document in the DB with space. When user is trying to access the PDF file, in order to rule out issues where there can be special character's in its file name, we are encoding the file name using stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters, and URLPathAllowedCharacterSet is the character set used which converts space character (" ") to %20. Later, path of the same encoded file name is sent to fileURLWithPath:. When the encoded URL is passed to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:] the file is not found in the since in DB, file is saved with a space, but in the URL %20 is been swapped in-place of space character. Issue case: Here, on passing the same encoded URL path of the PDF file to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:] is returning false; Query: On passing the filename with spaces encoded with stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:], the path is not converted back to the decoded file name and returning false We have used a work around on this case, by forming the URL of the PDF file without encoding and passing it to fileURLWithPath, issue is not seen here. We have a query here, i.e. will fileURLWithPath will be able to handle different special characters without encoding. We have also raised a Feedback Ticket on same: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/16049504
Apple AsyncStorage
I've recently gotten an app published to the IOS store. I made this app using React Native and testing through Expo Go. In Expo, everything functioned OK, but, once downloaded fully on my IPhone, one of the functions isn't working. Specifically, it's an "Enter" button that stores calendar information (nothing more than a date, time, and event name) through the React AsyncStorage function. Is there something wrong with AsyncStorage? For more clarity, all other touchable opacities in the app function as intended.