Safari App Extensions Iframe Issues

Since it's been recently announced that legacy safari extensions are deprecated, I have started working rewriting existing codebase. But I have run into several problems. Without getting into details about poor swift/object-c APIs. There seem to be other problems.

When injecting an iframe into a page via js on some pages I get this error

[blocked] The page at about:blank was not allowed to display insecure content from safari-extension://extension.path/tooltip.html.

And on other pages:

Refused to load safari-extension://extension.path/tooltip.html because it appears in neither the child-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.

This seems to happen on the "HTTPS" pages. On the "HTTP" pages, iframe seems to be injected alright, however, iframe js context doesn't seem to have a


property injected thus it's not able to communicate with swift/objective-c code.

I am missing, something? This a limitation of the new standard or just bugs?

The Safari extension is not working on my MacBook Pro as I have tried to make the extension work on the system. But is not happening and the system is also getting down due to that. The couch base code has to be changed and I have seen the ERROR CODE 0XC0000428 on the interface of the extension. I have also contacted

The ability to add window.safari into safari-extension URLs is something that we are currently investigating.

We can also take a look at the fact that these iframes aren't being injected into HTTPs pages. I believe it is a

Safari App Extensions Iframe Issues