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WebSocket Connection Fails in Safari iOS 18.1+ when triggered from an iframe
Hello, I’m encountering a problem with WebSocket connections in Safari on iOS 18.1 and later when initiated from an iframe. The same implementation works perfectly in other browsers like Chrome but fails in Safari. In Safari, the WebSocket connection fails with error message "WebSocket connection to 'wss://MY_CONNECTION_URL' failed: The internet connection appears to be offline." Has anyone else faced this? Is this a known limitation or bug in Safari? Any workarounds or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
iOS 18.2 Safari does not terminate the download thread after partial file downloads are completed
When I download specific files (not limited to a single website), even if I find that the downloaded file size matches the original file size and the downloaded file size no longer changes, Safari still does not stop the download thread, but continues to wait indefinitely. This results in the Safari not terminating the download thread even after the file download is completed, making it impossible to complete the download; The file has not been landed and cannot be obtained. This prevents me from downloading some files. Please fix this problem. In addition, I found that in iOS 18.2, during the process of downloading files on Safari, the synchronization and backup flags appear in the upper right corner of the notification bar. I am not sure if this is an unexpected behavior, but the flag still lingers for a long time after manually canceling the download thread. (the download thread is waiting indefinitely) Feedback Number: [FB16124044]
Bug in Safari for iOS 18: fetch fails with "Load failed" error if started immediately after document become visible
If fetch is executed immediately after document become visible (on visibilitychange event), it will fail after 20-40s with TypeError with message Load failed. If it is executed after short delay after document become visible, fetch will likely to succeed. Sample app to reproduce, with video: https://denysoblohin-okta.github.io/ios_fetch_bug Source code of sample app: https://github.com/denysoblohin-okta/ios_fetch_bug/blob/main/index.html
MacOS's Safari use a lot of cpu on some js web page using requestAnimationFrame then chrome
It's being a very long time that I discovery that in some web pages, that use function requestAnimationFrame will cause a lot of cpu, but very little in Chrome. I have already submitted this bug nearly two years ago without printout requestAnimationFrame, no one replied. I submitted again and mention requestAnimationFrame recently, hope there will be some response. If anyone interested in this issue and know some tech in javascript please help. You can enter https://www.baidu.com/ and click one of the topic in all the 百度热搜 which have 弹幕滚动(using requestAnimationFrame, and cause a lot of cpu usage) on right.
How to confidently select one type of camera on iOS
We have a web application that uses high resolution images to validate the authenticity of products. For this purpose we want to use the best camera to make the high resolution camera, on iPhone Pro devices this camera is the ultra-wide angle camera. The issue we have is how to confidently select that camera from the list returned by navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices. We can't use the device ID as it change every time (and for every user), we could use the camera name but the string is translate to the device language which is very problematic. We could also just select a specific item in the list but we are not sure that the order is preserved and it makes it hard to deal with other iPhone models that don't have that ultra wide angle camera. Selecting a specific camera looks like an essential feature not only for us. What is the best option, we are looking for something that is future proof and easily scalable.
Speech synthesis from Safari app extension
I'm making a Safari extension for learning languages. I need speech synthesis for any language the user chooses to learn. I initially tried to make this work within JavaScript, but Safari 18 doesn't reliably list voices for all languages on the web SpeechSynthesis API as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79179072/how-do-you-use-a-japanese-voice-with-speechsynthesis-in-safari-ios-18 As a workaround, I've had to use AVSpeechSynthesizer in SafariWebExtensionHandler (NSExtensionRequestHandling implementation for the extension). This works in the simulator but not on a real device. I've found this note from Apple in a StackOverflow reply: "Safari extensions are very short-lived, hence not fit for audio playback or speech synthesis. Not being able to validate an app extension in Xcode with a manually-added plist entry for background audio is the designed behavior. The general recommendation is to synthesize speech using JavaScript in conjunction with the Web Speech API." Unfortunately, the suggestion to use the Web Speech API is unsuitable as I just explained. Is there a way to set up a background process in the host app that can do speech synthesis? The app extension would need a way to communicate with this process, and start it if it's not running. Is that possible?
WebRtc video not displayed in safari
Hi, I have implement a WebRtc cameras server: IP camera -> ffmpeg -> WebRtc -> browser The video codec used is H264. I test it on a MAC mini using safari browser (latest version) The Rtc peer connection is correctly connect but the video is not display. looking for the event on the video control, I got this: loadstart progress suspend On the MAC, I have also a chrome browser installed and trying the same, it works fine, I got this: loadstart progress loadmetadata loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing the video control on the html page is declared like this: Does anyone have an idea why the video stay suspend or have a clue or tips to make it work? Thanks in advance
Nested USDZs new behaviour with Quick Look
Hello there I have a nested USDZ file I had created a long time ago with some make-up products. Its behaviour was always the same in the past: nested usdz files allow you to control each object "nested" separately. So I used this as a way to allow people to play around with a "set of objects". Today I went to try it and since I'm on ios 18 it shows an "assets tab" on the bottom that allows me to see all the assets inside the tab but doesn't allow me to see or anchor them at all! What changes do I need to do in order for this to work and where can I check documentation on these new behaviours for USDZ files? And what will this allow for in the future? Thank you in advance
JavaScriptCore crash
There is something wrong with WKWebView. it crash. that: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self.wkwebView evaluateJavaScript:@"navigator.userAgent" completionHandler:^(id _Nullable result, NSError * _Nullable error) { }]; } crash info ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Incident Identifier: 2430792E-CF51-4EF1-94CF-EC72AC601B2C CrashReporter Key: 50bcb858d8f2af8c94fc75188b8a740c78e148ff Hardware Model: iPhone11,6 Process: Youkui4Phone [956] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/198201AE-A0DE-4E8F-B84A-2209122A5783/Youkui4Phone.app/Youkui4Phone Identifier: com.youku.YouKu.InHouse Version: (2042174090) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.youku.YouKu.InHouse [600] Date/Time: 2024-12-17 16:11:51.5863 +0800 Launch Time: 2024-12-17 15:47:19.4488 +0800 OS Version: iPhone OS 18.1.1 (22B91) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 7.00.00 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: FRONTBOARD 2343432205 <RBSTerminateContext| domain:10 code:0x8BADF00D explanation:scene-update watchdog transgression: app<com.youku.YouKu.InHouse(EEEC9FA9-AFA2-4648-B178-EFFB7C9FE91D)>:956 exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 10.00 seconds ProcessVisibility: Foreground ProcessState: Running WatchdogEvent: scene-update WatchdogVisibility: Foreground WatchdogCPUStatistics: ( "Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 13.120 (user 13.120, system 0.000), 22% CPU", "Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 2.732, 4% CPU" ) reportType:CrashLog maxTerminationResistance:Interactive> Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1e503ff90 __psynch_cvwait + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x21d17aa50 _pthread_cond_wait + 1204 2 JavaScriptCore 0x1ab495ce8 WTF::ParkingLot::parkConditionallyImpl(void const*, WTF::ScopedLambda<bool ()> const&, WTF::ScopedLambda<void ()> const&, WTF::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&) + 1900 3 JavaScriptCore 0x1ab4852e4 WTF::LockAlgorithm<unsigned char, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)2, WTF::EmptyLockHooks<unsigned char>>::lockSlow(WTF::Atomic<unsigned char>&) + 216 4 JavaScriptCore 0x1ac413cc0 JSC::JSLock::lock() + 568 5 JavaScriptCore 0x1ac45d0f0 JSC::JSRunLoopTimer::Manager::timerDidFireCallback() + 808 6 JavaScriptCore 0x1ab49e218 WTF::RunLoop::TimerBase::start(WTF::Seconds, bool)::$_0::__invoke(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*) + 96 7 CoreFoundation 0x194cda894 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 32 8 CoreFoundation 0x194cda538 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1012 9 CoreFoundation 0x194cda08c __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 288 10 CoreFoundation 0x194c793b4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1856 11 CoreFoundation 0x194c78830 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 588 12 GraphicsServices 0x1e0c581c4 GSEventRunModal + 164 13 UIKitCore 0x1977deeb0 -[UIApplication _run] + 816 14 UIKitCore 0x19788d5b4 UIApplicationMain + 340 15 Youkui4Phone 0x105160fcc main + 56 16 dyld 0x1ba666ec8 start + 2724
Safari Extension Permissions Lost After Developer Account Transfer
Hi everyone, I’m working on a Safari browser extension and recently encountered a major issue after transferring the extension from one Apple Developer account to another, then releasing an update under the new account. Following this update, user engagement has dropped off dramatically. My understanding—based on my own investigations, which may be limited—is that this problem arises because Safari is treating the extension as entirely new due to the change in the developer account. Here’s what I’ve pieced together so far: • Safari appears to rely on an Extensions.plist file, which uniquely identifies each installed extension by a combination of its bundle identifier and the associated developer account ID. • The Extensions.plist file also stores the state of granted permissions for each extension. Because our extension now has a new developer account ID, Safari no longer seems to recognize it as the same extension that users had previously approved. • As a result, previously granted permissions appear to have been lost, and users must manually re-enable the extension—leading to a significant drop in engagement and revenue. I’m hoping someone can clarify the following: Is there a known migration path to transfer an extension between developer accounts without causing users to lose their previously granted permissions? Are there best practices, or workarounds, for maintaining continuity when the bundle identifier and/or developer account ID changes? Are there any tools for re-linking permissions after a bundle identifier or developer account ID change? Has anyone worked through a similar scenario and found a solution or guidance from Apple Developer Support or the Safari team? I’ll also be reaching out to Apple Developer Support directly, but any insights from those who’ve dealt with this scenario would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
WebGPU Enabled but WKWebView doesn't have GPU Access
We enabled WebGPU feature flag on Safari on iOS 18.2. This does give Safari an access to GPU but WKWebView still doesn't have GPU access. Can WKWebView not access GPU through Safari feature flag? Is there some other mechanism through which we can enable GPU access for WKWebView? We are testing gpu access by loading : https://webgpureport.org/ Regards Saalis Umer Microsoft Safari Feature Flag - webgpu = true Safari GPU Access: WKWebView GPU Access:
Unable to Override "Link with Highlight" in WKWebView
Hello everyone, I'm working on an app that uses WKWebView. My app uses a custom menu and we disable the default menu by overriding with: WKWebAction.canPerformAction() However, with the new iOS 18.2 release, I am no longer able to override the "Copy Link with Highlight" option that pops up when highlighting a selection as can be seen from the screenshot: Has anyone found a work around/bypass for this? Environment iOS Version: iOS 18.2 Device: iPhone 13 Pro App platform: iOS Xcode version: 16.1 MacOS: 14.5
Not displaying some websites properly after iOS 18.2
After the iOS 18.2 update, I can no longer see the some website as I could see it on the desktop. ( for example Jeostok . Com)I have tried this in many browsers. For example, I get the same result in browsers such as Safari Chrome Firefox opera and edge. The home page is not displayed properly. It was displaying properly before the update and now it is not displaying properly. This website is my website. I frankly do not know how to solve this problem, if anyone knows, I am waiting for your help.
A problem repeatedly occurred on website
We are having an issue on our website whilst using Iphones. A soon as the page loads it crashes and the it seems A problem repeatedly occurred to display page. This has been happening lately. This is the link. Can someone tell us what could be the issue? https://www.showshappening.com/TheTravellers/Travellers-Concert-2024 Thanks
Web application using Rafael JS crashes on Safari and Chrome after updating to iOS 18.2
After updating my phone to iOS 18.2 2 days ago, I noticed that a website I'm working on that uses Rafael JS(https://dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael) to do some svg rendering which used to work before I updated just stopped working. I notice that Safari tries to load website tries to load 2 or 3 times before showing the error: A problem repeatedly occurred on <website> which I find really odd since this used to work before and I haven't made any changes to the code. This also happens in Chrome on iOS 18.2.
PWA Web Push not arriving on iOS 18.0 - solved
Update: turns out the testphone with iOS 18 was set to 'Do not disturb'. Case closed. Hi all, I created a progressive web app. I is hosted on an actual live domain, served over https. When installed on an iPhone homescreen on iOS 17.7.2, sending web push notifications works fine: the response from the push service endpoint has a status code of 201, indicating all is good. In the service worker of the PWA, an eventlistener for the 'push' event is trigggered and displays an OS notification. On iOS18.0 however, even though the response from the push service endpoint has a status code of 201, there is no notification showing. Even though permission has been granted, and registration.pushManager.subscribe() is successful. When working locally, I've setup my server to run on localhost in https mode as well by following this excellent Technical Note to setup my own Certificate Authority, have it be trusted by my iOS test devices and have the CA issue a certificate so TLS can be set up. On this locally running https server, web push notifications do arrive for iOS 17.7.2, but also not for iOS18.0. I'm not sure how to start debugging this, as I can't seem to get the webinspector to show for the service worker most times, and when I can, there is no console.log() output visible. This still stands: So really, I'm looking for a (reliable) way to be able to debug this issues in safari, or find some documentation on what changed for Safari on iOS 18 that requires changes. Any help or thoughts on this matter?
LocalStorage sometimes disappears in WKWebView
I am currently publishing an application that uses WebView, I am currently publishing an application that uses WebView, but I am having trouble with data in LocalStorage sometimes disappearing. The website displayed in WebView is made with PHP, By writing the following code in JavaScript, When WKWebView is opened, localStorage is saved and retrieved. window.localStorage.setItem('isAlreadyAgree', true); window.localStorage.getItem('isAlreadyAgree'); The problem is that sometimes this getItem does not get the data. ・This is not reproducible and does not always occur when some process is performed. ・Is it possible that the storage of the application is cleared due to distribution using MDM? ・Is it possible to store too much data in UserDefault, which would cause the LocalStorage space to be overwhelmed and disappear? I would appreciate any hints you can give me. Thank you in advance.