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General Documentation






Safari 18: Storage location for open windows and tabs
I want to write an app, that lets users restore all oben windows and tabs from any given point in a TimeMachine backup. The store location seems to have changed. In earlier versions it was possible to restore the open windows and tabs by retrieving /Users/[UserName]/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari/SafariTabs.db …/SafariTabs.db-shm …/SafariTabs.db-wal As of 18.3 this doesn’t work any more, even though these files get updated with the use of Safari What else would I need to retrieve from a back up disk? Thank you very much for any hints!
Unexpected Safari useragent for www.espn.com, fixed when disabling site-specfic hacks
Recently we started noticing in Safari v18.2 browser an unexpected useragent set for https://www.espn.com pages like - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" (recognized as Chrome by most UA detection logic) and breaks our video playback in some scenarios. When digging into this we came across site specific quirks and the "Disable site-specific hacks" setting which fixed the playback functionality and set a more expected UA - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/18.2 Safari/605.1.15". Is the unexpected UA being set somewhere in Safari/Webkit? Can this be removed so site functionality works without needing to find the "Disable site-specific hacks" setting?
Safari extension service worker appears with a delay in the Develop dropdown
Hi, I'm developing an extension and I need to debug console logs that are logged in the Service Worker. The worker is configured in the manifest and is generally working as expected: However, when I open the browser, go to any site, and open Develop -> Service Workers or Develop -> Web Extension Background Content it is not visible there, so I can't really access the logs: But then I noticed that if I go out of focus from the browser for some time (and probably let the SW die), it becomes visible and I can open it without an issue: So, a couple of questions: Why isn't it instantly accessible? The extension Service Worker dev tools should be accessible regardless of what is happening to the tab or the browser, even if the SW terminates. Why does it eventually appear under Web Extension Background Content instead of the Service Workers when it is in fact an SW?
How to trigger Safari App Extension with a keyboard shortcut without a content script and Accessibility permissions?
I have a Safari App Extension which allows users to switch between last open tabs with a shortcut option+tab in the same way it's possible to switch between last open apps with command+tab. Here is how i do it: I inject a content script on all websites which has the only thing – key listener for option+tab presses. When a user presses option+tab, that keyboard listener detects it and sends a message to the Safari Handler. Then Safari Handler sends a message to the containing app and it shows a panel with last open tabs. This approach has a problem: it shows a message to a user in settings: "Can read sensitive info from web pages, including passwords..." Which is bad, because in reality i don't read passwords. If i remove SFSafariContentScript key in the Safari App Extension target's Info.plist, then this message about reading sensitive data disappears, but then i loose the ability to open the tabs panel. How can I open my app window with a shortcut without frightening a user? It's possible to listen to global key presses, but that would require a user to grant the app permissions of Accessibility (Privacy & Security) in macOS system settings, which also sounds shady. I know an app which does not require an Accessibility permission: https://apps.apple.com/ua/app/tabback-lite/id6469582909 and at the same time it does not tell a user about reading sensitive data in the extension settings. Here is my app: https://apps.apple.com/ua/app/tab-finder/id6741719894 It's open-source: https://github.com/kopyl/safari-tab-switcher
"excludeMatches" array in scripting.registerContentScripts() API is totally ignored in Safari web extensions
In a project to create a web extension for Safari, using scripting.registerContentScript() API to inject a bunch of scripts into web pages, I needed to manage a dynamic whitelist (i.e., web pages where the scripts should not be injected). Fortunately, scripting.registerContentScripts() gives you the option of defining a list of web pages to be considered as a whitelist, using the excludeMatches parameter in the directive, to represent an array of pages where the script should not be injected. Here just a sample of what I mean: const matches = ['*://*/*']; const excludeMatches = ['*://*.example.com/*']; const directive = { id: 'injected-jstest', js: ['injectedscript.js'], matches: matches, excludeMatches: excludeMatches, persistAcrossSessions: false, runAt: 'document_start' }; await browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([directive]) .catch(reason => { console.log("[SW] >>> inject script error:",reason); }); Of course, the whitelist (the excludeMatches array) is not static, but varies over time according to the needs of the moment. Everything works perfectly in Chromium browsers (Chrome, Edge, ...) and Firefox, but fails miserably in Safari. In fact, Safari seems to completely ignore the excludeMatches parameter and injects the script even where it should not. Has anyone had the same problem and solved it somehow? NOTE : To test the correctness and capabilities of the API in each browser, I created a simple repository on Github with the extension code for Chromium, Firefox and Safari (XCode project).
Priority of Declarative Net Request rules not respected on Safari
A DNR rule with lower priority is being applied before a DNR rule of higher priority on Safari. Specifically, a low-priority DNR block rule that matches a request is being applied before a high-priority DNR redirect rule that matches the same request, preventing the redirect from occurring. The only way to get the high-priority redirect rule to occur is to remove the DNR block rule. This does not occur on other browsers. I have already submitted a Feedback Assistant report about this bug: FB16535579 How to reproduce: Create/install a web extension on Safari with the declarativeNetRequest and declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess permissions Open the Web Extension Background Content console and add a redirect rule with a high priority number. For example: await chrome.declarativeNetRequest.updateDynamicRules({addRules: [ {id: 5000, condition: {urlFilter: "||www.google-analytics.com*/ga.js", resourceTypes: ["script"], domainType: "thirdParty"}, priority: 80, action: {type: "redirect", redirect: {url: “http://www.apple.com/”}}} ]}) Add a block rule of lower priority for the same urlFilter: await chrome.declarativeNetRequest.updateDynamicRules({addRules: [ {id: 5001, condition: {urlFilter: "||www.google-analytics.com^", domainType: "thirdParty"}, priority: 1, action: {type: "block"}} ]}) Visit https://efforg.github.io/privacybadger-test-fixtures/html/ga_surrogate.html Check the network tab and see that neither a request to Google Analytics nor apple.com appear. This means that the request to Google Analytics was blocked instead of being / before being redirected Remove the block rule: await chrome.declarativeNetRequest.updateDynamicRules({removeRuleIds: [5001]}) Reload https://efforg.github.io/privacybadger-test-fixtures/html/ga_surrogate.html. Check the network tab and confirm that there is a request to apple.com, showing that the redirect rule is only applied if the lower-priority block rule is removed. The priority of the DNR rules should handle this without having to remove a DNR rule. I have confirmed that the incorrect application of DNR rule priority happens on other top level domains, with other urlFilters, and with other redirect URLs. I confirmed that this is happening while I’ve granted my extension permissions on all websites.
WKWebView based Browser Yubikey&WebAuthn Support
TLDR: I’m searching for a possibility to allow the usage of passkeys and hardware keys for any website in a wkwebview INFO: The browser is macOS ONLY Hi, I couldn’t really find documentation or forums posts on how to implement Webauthn for signin or hardware security keys for a second factor. Or rather where those events are triggered to be handled. In Safari you have that popover, that lets you either authenticate through Passwords or with a security key. When I visit webauthn.io for testing and click either register or authenticate I get Told not to present authorization sheet: Error Domain=com.apple.AuthenticationServicesCore.AuthorizationError Code=1 "(null)" ASAuthorizationController credential request failed with error: Error Domain=com.apple.AuthenticationServices.AuthorizationError Code=1004 "(null)" If I add func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping @MainActor (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) and func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, authenticationChallenge challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, shouldAllowDeprecatedTLS decisionHandler: @escaping @MainActor (Bool) -> Void) it doesn’t seem to change anything. I found something about the ASWebAuthenticationSessionWebBrowserSupported entitlement, but by my understanding this is used so a browser can get opened upon some other app calling a ASWebAuthenticationSession. Has anyone some guidance for me? I feel like webauthn and yubikey support are important security measures for our users. https://codeberg.org/miakoring/Amethyst/src/branch/main/Amethyst/Shared/ViewComponents/WebKit/WebViewModel.swift is the code for my webviewmodel. Delegates are in the Delecate folder https://codeberg.org/miakoring/Amethyst/src/branch/main/Amethyst/Shared/ViewComponents/WebKit
Safari web extension service worker not working after a minute
We are testing our safari web extension (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/whatfix-for-jnj-centris/id6723895659) on an iPad 7th Gen (iPadOS v - 17.4.1) I am sharing a video link where you can see the widget (named Self Help) appears on the application. However after a couple of refreshes, it vanishes. This widget is powered by the extension. We tried connecting the iPad to Mac and opened the webinspector. The extension content script sends a message to the service worker and it is expected to send back a response which it is not doing We believe it is related to an issue that has been highlighted multiple times in the developer forum - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/758346 We have tried using several workaorunds as suggested by peer developers in the thread but we are unable to revive the service worker once it is killed. We would like to understand from you, how to recover from this issue. Is there any workaround that we can apply to make sure that extension works fine? It would be immensely helpful if we can get on a call to explain the issue further Video Link: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0a7NR7BzDQHHU8zCHERuySBMw#RPReplay%5FFinal1740034010
React Native Deeplink Issue
I am working in React Native and trying to use Deeplink. When app is installed code is working fine but when app is not installed not redirecting to App Store in Safari instead of that in Chrome that is working fine in safari when i click i got this error message "safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid" this is my apple-app-site-association file code { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "CS666P223.com.seecard", "paths": [ "", "/recover/", "/settings/*" ] } ] } , "webcredentials": { "apps": [ "CS666P223.com.seecard" ] } } and this is my code in next "use client" export default function Home() { // Helper function for device detection // const isiOS = () => /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent); const isAndroid = () => /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); const isiOS = () => { const userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor; return ( /iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(userAgent) || (navigator.platform === "MacIntel" && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1) ); }; const openAndSaveCard = () => { try { // let fallbackLink = ''; if (isiOS() || isAndroid()) { const card_id = "3434bee9675ee44b3dc65"; const card_owner_id = "34349675ee44b3dc43"; const card_for_saved = { "cardId": card_id, "ownerId": card_owner_id }; console.log("=-=-card_for_saved",card_for_saved) const encodedData = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(card_for_saved)); window.location.href = `saveseecard://open?id=${encodedData}`; const androidAppStoreLink = 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.seecard'; const iosAppStoreLink = 'https://apps.apple.com/np/app/seecard/id6502513661'; fallbackLink = isAndroid() ? androidAppStoreLink : iosAppStoreLink; const timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (document.hasFocus()) { window.location.href = fallbackLink; } }, 2000); window.addEventListener('blur', () => { clearTimeout(timeout);; }); } else { alert("Your device doesn't support deep linking for this app."); } } catch (e) { console.log("Error:", e); } }; return ( <div className="cIcon ml-10 purpleBg" // onClick={() => { openAndSaveCard() }} onClick={openAndSaveCard} > <p className="container-text">Save Card</p> </div> </main> </div> ); }
[bug report] Unicode characters with "Variation Selector-15" (U+FE0E) are not rendered as text in iOS 18.1.1
I reported this bug one year ago in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/746406, but as it is not been fixed yet, I'm going to try by opening this new incident report. iOS is not working for the Unicode Variation Selector-15 (U+FE0E) for all the characters. Can you please apply that variation selector to all your Unicode characters? I) Steps to reproduce the issue: navigate in safari to the page https://eurovot.com/vs.htm II) Expected result: as the 1st column of characters have the Variation Selector-15 (U+FE0E) applied, and the 2nd column have the Variation Selector-16 (U+FE0F) applied, the first column should always display text characters (in orange) and the second column emoji characters. III) Error result: some characters are working fine in the 1st column and displayed as text (in orange colour), but some other aren't displayed as text, they wrongly displayed as emojis instead.
Issue with Fetching Device ID from Localhost on iOS (HTTPS Request Conflict)
We are currently running a lightweight server within our iOS mobile app to pass a unique device ID via localhost for device-based restrictions. The setup works by binding a user's email to their device ID upon login, and later, when they attempt to log in via a browser, we retrieve this ID by making a request to http://localhost:8086/device-info. However, we're encountering an issue when making this request. Here’s the error message: Error fetching device info: TypeError { } r@webkit-masked-url://hidden/:27:166011 value@webkit-masked-url://hidden/:27:182883 @webkit-masked-url://hidden/:27:184904 We are making this request from an HTTPS website, and we suspect this could be related to mixed-content restrictions. Could you guide us on how to properly make localhost requests over HTTPS, especially in a production environment with the necessary security measures? Any insights or best practices on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
If the "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in Settings > App > Safari, are HTTP connections not allowed under any circumstances?
I'm posting a question here as I have encountered an issue while seeking help from engineers in the thread. thread773837 If the "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in Settings > App > Safari, are HTTP connections not allowed under any circumstances? I also posted a question about NSAllowsLocalNetworking not being applied, and I was informed that ATS (App Transport Security) is not related to SFSafariViewController. If that's the case, what feature causes the error "Safari cannot open the page. Error: Failed to navigate to an HTTP URL with HTTPS-only mode enabled"? I am currently working to resolve this issue.
WebGPU supporting in Safari on macOS
Hi, now we could try WebGPU by manually enabling it in feature flags in no matter Safari or Safari technology preview on macOS. But, do we know when this WebGPU feature would be enabled by default or any plan to enable it by default in Safari? Thanks!
When will CSS animation-timeline hit Safari?
Hi all, Chrome has it already - animation-timeline aka scroll-animations. I can nowhere find any informations on what's the status in Safari/Webkit. Seems like they do not have it on the agenda at all? Does anyone know anything - I wanted to push a feature request for that - but also seem there is no feature request list anymore for webkit. See: https://www.w3.org/TR/scroll-animations/ Cheers and kind regards!
Add Authorization header to WKWebView.
How can i add Authorization header to a wkwebview. I checked https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsurlrequest#1776617 which says Authorization header is a reserved http header and shouldn’t be set. I want to set it when requesting a url to the server which will be used for verification. How can i do that?
SecurityError, show() must be triggered by user activation.
This is a rare occurrence on our site, having only detected 4 instances of it over the past few weeks, where 10s of thousands of transactions have occurred successfully. We only call the following PaymentRequest API onClick from the <apple-pay-button>: async function startApplePay(merchantIdentifier, amount) { ... try { const request = new PaymentRequest([ applePayMethod ], paymentDetails); ... catch (e) { // cancel, just stay here if (e.name === "AbortError") { if (consoleLog) console.log("Payment canceled", e); logServer("INFO", "Payment canceled"); } else { handleError("Error caught: " + e.name + ", " + e.cause + ", " + e.message); } } Where the "handleError" else case is what gets triggered: Error caught: SecurityError, undefined, show() must be triggered by user activation. All 4 instances have been from iPads, but with that small of a sample size, we can't tell whether that's relevant or coincidence. Different iOS versions, but looks like same Safari version. Here are the 4 User Agents we've seen thus far: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 18_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/352.0.715618234 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 17_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/352.0.715618234 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 18_3_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/133.0.6943.33 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 18_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/133.0.6943.33 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1