WKWebview loadHTMLString not load local resources (eg. images, css, js)


In my app i am trying migrate from UIWebView to WKWebView.

I have downloaded html file in App support dir. This file is fully enrypted, thus i have to use loadHTMLString method for loading it into webview.

Using UIWebView - everything works fine.

Using WKWebView - extrenal files (css, images, js) are not loaded.

Yes, I use correct baseURL.

If i use loadFileURL on non-enrypted file, all external files are loaded.

It works on simulator, not on real device.

It seems that "loadHTMLString" in WKWebView is not working properly - because of app sandbox?? Or am I missing something??

Thank you!

Hello, I'm having the same problem, any updates about that? How did you fixed that? thanks

You are replying to a year-old thread. Chances are, you will figure it out in a couple of days too. Then you, too, will ignore a similar reply to your post in Feb. 2021.

Have you find any solution to this?

I fixed problem.

Before when I used UIWebView, I replaced images in the source of page to this structure:

Code Block
let imageFixedString =  "file://" + Bundle.main.path(forResource: imageLink, ofType: nil)
bodyPage.replacingOccurrences(of: imageLink, with: imageFixedString)
webView.loadHTMLString(bodyPage, baseURL: nil)

But when I move to WKWebview, is stoped work.

In my situation, no need replace image address, but need set baseURL:

Code Block
let baseUrlWk = Bundle.main.bundleURL
webView.loadHTMLString(bodyPage, baseURL: baseUrlWk)

This works for me
Code Block
webView.loadHTMLString(htmlContent, baseURL: Bundle.main.resourceURL)

It works in iOS 14.x but not in iOS 12.X. Did you also experience this problem?

WKWebview loadHTMLString not load local resources (eg. images, css, js)