After updating to Xcode 10.2 I'm getting a bunch of warnings like this:
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:-1: ignoring build task 'ConstructedTask(forTarget: SoupKit, 3 inputs, 1 outputs, ruleInfo: ["CopyStringsFile", "/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SoupChef-rojbzdehurmlgakeaipmwucmevgx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/SoupKit.framework/en.lproj/Intents.strings", "/Users/username/Downloads/SoupChefAcceleratingAppInteractionsWithShortcuts/Shared/en.lproj/Intents.strings"])' which produces files already produced by another task:
This warning represents an extremely serious project misconfiguration and will cause some build tasks in your project to be skipped entirely, leading to other build failures or missing files in the build directory. (in target 'SoupKit')
Now, I don't think this is actually a major issue, but the last line sure makes it seems like it's a very bad idea to just ignore this. After some experimenting I've determined this issue is very easy to reproduce:
1. Add an Intents.intentdefinition file to a project
2. Add any localization to that file
3. Set the deployment target to iOS 10.3 or earlier
If I set the deployment target to iOS 11, or remove all localizations from the Intents file, the warning goes away. Neither of these is an acceptable solution, but again, I also don't like ignoring the warning.
At this point, I'm trying to figure out the answers to any of these questions:
1. Whatever is going on here, my assumption is that the same thing was happening in Xcode 10.1, it just wasn't telling me about it. Meaning that going back to 10.1 until this is fixed would be no better than ignoring the error. Is that likely to be true?
2. The errors are only about strings files, and it seems like it's just replacing one copy of the file with the same file. Am I safe to ignore it, especially since I can just manually inspect the build to verify the files are there?
3. Is there anything else I might be able to do to solve the issue?
I've file rdar://49274887 on the this problem: