Sign In with Apple - Your request could not be completed due to an error. Try again later.


I'm trying to implement Sign In with Apple on my website. Currently I got this error: Your request could not be completed due to an error. Try again later.

You can check this here:

I tested it with Apple JS and with the code example from this Git repository:

I don't know what is wrong. Please help.

kind regards


Accepted Reply

On Jun 6, 2019, Hanashi wrote:

> I'm trying to implement Sign In with Apple on my website. Currently I got this error: Your request could not be completed due to an error. Try again later.

I've tested your web app at and can see the authorization request as follows—

The `scope` query parameters must use space separation and percent-encoding for multiple scopes; for example, `"scope=name%20email"`.

However, you're still receiving an `invalid_client` error, suggesting that you have any of the following configuration issues—

  • The `client_id` doesn't match the Services ID configured for Sign in with Apple on your developer account.
  • The `redirect_uri` doesn't match the registered domains and/or Return URLs configured for the Services ID.
  • The `response_mode` is missing.


I've got the same issue. I understand the need for the public error to be a bit vague, but would love to know under what circumstances this error is generated and how we can go about diagnosing the issue.

Peter, did you ever get any further?

Are you sure you entered the right Service ID? For me this error occurred when I accidentally picked the Service ID associated to the App identifier instead of the Web Service.

Hello Hanashi

How did you fix your problem?

I have same error but I see that yours app works ok now 🙂


On Jun 6, 2019, Hanashi wrote:

> I'm trying to implement Sign In with Apple on my website. Currently I got this error: Your request could not be completed due to an error. Try again later.

I've tested your web app at and can see the authorization request as follows—

The `scope` query parameters must use space separation and percent-encoding for multiple scopes; for example, `"scope=name%20email"`.

However, you're still receiving an `invalid_client` error, suggesting that you have any of the following configuration issues—

  • The `client_id` doesn't match the Services ID configured for Sign in with Apple on your developer account.
  • The `redirect_uri` doesn't match the registered domains and/or Return URLs configured for the Services ID.
  • The `response_mode` is missing.

Hi Hanashi

I am getting same redirection issues could you please suggest me some solution to fix this issue.