Getting the index in ForEach

I need to get the index as a forEach iterates. Normally, I could just use something like:

var i = 0
for item in array {
    //do stuff
   i += 1

But this doesn't work with ForEach. I also tried array.enumerated(), but then it won't let me use .identified(by:) for some reason, so it refuses it as a data source.

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not sure how you tried to use the .enumerated() method -- but be sure you know that array.enumerated() gives pairs of and index and item, so the right code would look something like this:

let array = ["Fred", "Astaire", "Ginger", "Rogers"]

for (index,item) in array.enumerated() {

this prints out

0 Fred

1 Astaire

2 Ginger

3 Rogers

hope that helps,


Thanks for the reply.

I can get enumerated() to work fine with normal for loops, the problem comes when I am trying to use it with SwiftUI's ForEach object (normal for loops don't work with SwiftUI yet)


sorry that i didn't pick up right away on the subtlety here, of it having to do with SwiftUI code -- although it was posted in SwiftUI (duh!) and does mention something about a data source.

on the Swift side, you can certainly do a forEach() instead of an explicit for loop:

array.enumerated().forEach( { print($0.0,$0.1) } )

this will give the same output as what i showed above. can't say where this leads in SwiftUI and a data source, since i haven't gotten to SwiftUI yet (but maybe next month!)

good luck (and apologies for giving a simple answer to a question other than what was asked),


EDIT: the following code might be more clear for readability than what was above:

array.enumerated().forEach( { (index,item) in print(index,item) } )

I am working around it by getting the index in each loop. I am sure it is not the most efficient way, but it works for the moment:

Foreach(array) { item in
     let index = array.firstIndex(of: item)

This, of course, will not work for every array. You could also create a counter on the outside of the foreach and increment it. I haven't tried that one yet, but it could work.

I've been doing the below for now. Compile-time performance drops the more of these you have in a single view but it does work.

ForEach(0..<myArray.count) { index in
    Text(String(describing: myArray[index])).tag(index)

You can use:

ForEach(array.indices) { i in
   //do stuff

But be careful. This masks the ID of the underlying value, so should only be used for arrays that don't add or remove items.