Token Refresh

We have implemented Sign in With Apple and have a server side daily check of tokens using the "refresh_token" grant type.

For currently valid users we get a new 200 response with the Access Token as expected. However if I visit and revoke the app in there the response is "invalid_request" with a 400 response from Apple. Is this expected and is this how we tell a token is no longer valid or should we expect a different response?


I'm getting the followings in the response


access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxaxxxxxxxxx',

token_type: 'Bearer',

expires_in: 3600


Whereas I was expecting a TokenResponse, as per

Now the problem is access_token is if no use as of now, where do I get the followings, which were supposed to come part of TokenResponse


Without id_token, I can't extract user id, without refresh_token I can revalidate after the current refresh_token expires

Have you guys found an answer on this?
When a user is not in good standing, I believe the apple server is expected to respond with status code 400 and the response body invalid_grant.
The authorization grant or refresh token is invalid.

Wondering what would cause the server to return invalid_request particularly after everything has been working well for several days.