Files App to FTP

Trying to conenct to an FTP server from Files App (with server address and login credentials known to be correct) with no success.

Files App will not accept ftp:// as prefix to server address; no prefix and smb:// produce error (implying address or login is incorrect when all known to be OK).

I have another app which connects fine to my ftp server but I wanted to keep all my links in one place (the Files App).

Any suggestions for a fix appreciated...

Anyone have thoughts/ideas on this?

Add port number to your address instead of ftp command

Instead of

You might use if your port for file transfer protocol is 21.
Any luck @JMaynard ?


I also want to connect FTP of my local ip but no help I tried with 21 port as well but not working did anyone found solutions..?

iPadOS 16.2 still doesn’t work. In macOS, I can connect to ftp using the Finder like this: ftp://some address…

But you can't do that with Files.

I still can't get ftp in the files app. I don't want to use a third party app! Why hasn't this been added yet?

I use this application - Extender Drive 😊 In this application, you set up a connection to the server and work with files through the native application Files.

Use FTP Rush

Files App to FTP