SF Fonts web font allowed?

I am a web developer.

I would like to show off San Francisco fonts to the world.

Apple San Francisco fonts [https://developer.apple.com/fonts], includes five font families, found here:

Download SF Pro Text, Download SF Compact, Download SF Mono, Download New York, Download SF Symbols

I am developing a website to reduces loss of life and property.


I am NOT a lawyer, and I need a YES or NO answer.

Can I use the San Francisco Fonts as web fonts?


For those who do not understand Web Development, this means converting each SF Font to a web font format.

The standard web font formats are WOFF and WOFF2, beside either TTF or OTF.

So the web fonts for SF-Mono_regular.otf are:

SF-Mono_regular.otf, SF-Mono_regular.woff and SF-Mono_regular.woff2

Coded like this in CSS.

.code { font-family: 'SF Mono', monospace; }.

Deployed online as

https://MySite/SF-Mono_regular.otf and https://MySite/SF-Mono_regular.woff and https://MySite/SF-Mono_regular.woff2.

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 614912022
You can access system fonts in a standards-compliant way by utilizing the system-ui family. And in Safari 13.1 we introduced new standards-based keywords to access serif, monospace, and rounded forms.

>I am a web developer.

I think you meant Web Developer. Could be worse, tho, you could be a lawyer.

>I am NOT a lawyer

RU sure? You're starting to sound like a lawyer, you know, 'cause of all that 'loss of life and property' legalese...

>For those who do not understand Web Development

Some new, emerging technology, I think? Puts Actual Coding to shame, I hear.

>Can I use the San Francisco Fonts as web fonts? ...this means converting each SF Font to a web font format. I need a YES or NO answer.


If you're still reading, I suggest you/your lawyer review the readMe* (deployed during installation) that comes with the download/package.

You [a} need to be a registered (that means in possession of a valid, paid Developer Program account, something most web wonks, sorry, devs, or lawyers, usually don't bother with, I think) dev** and, [b] are prohibited from using SFFont for anything but simulating System UIs in mockups.

* "A. Limited License. Subject to the terms of this License, you may use the Apple Font solely for creating mock-ups of user interfaces to be used in software products running on Apple’s iOS, iPadOS, macOS or tvOS operating systems, as applicable. The foregoing right includes the right to show the Apple Font in screen shots, images, mock-ups or other depictions, digital and/or print, of such software products running solely on iOS, iPadOS, macOS or tvOS. Your use of the Apple Font shall also be subject to any specific use restrictions with respect thereto as set forth in the Apple Font or Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.

You may use this Apple Font only for the purposes described in this License and **only if you are a registered Apple Developer, or as otherwise expressly permitted by Apple in writing."

Accepted Answer
You can access system fonts in a standards-compliant way by utilizing the system-ui family. And in Safari 13.1 we introduced new standards-based keywords to access serif, monospace, and rounded forms.
For example, the company canny.io has been using these fonts in their web applications for several years in violation of the license terms?
KMT et al, thank you all for your careful consideration. Perhaps we need to step closer to reality. Design is a schematic and is visualized in application as optimal parts inclusion through manufacture, representing design.

In architecture, we call it, Draft: not public, a view of Type in Context.

Draft deployment...

Draft includes SF-Mono, SF-Pro, SF-Compact, and NewYork fonts, adding glyph icons (symbols).
Online collateral are found at fonts.gooogle.com as NewYork in Literata and SF in Montserrat group.
View symbols in Glyphs, TransType, Font Studio, etc.
Apply symbols with Ultra Character Map: drag-and-drop into text and image documents during Concept extension.
Adapt symbols using development tools like X-Code, Pixelmator and so on.

Apple San Francisco fonts [https://developer.apple.com/fonts], includes five font families, found here:
Download SF Pro Text, Download SF Compact, Download SF Mono, Download New York, Download SF Symbols.
(Links above.)


Not grouped in Emoji and Symbols. Some installed symbols match default Light/Dark appearance. So, if User forces Light at night, many symbols defaulting to white on white will be hidden. Whereas, night-time Dark or Auto appearance shows all symbols as white-on-Dark. Daytime, the opposite? Interesting visual adaptation.

Night-time Dark Appearance [all symbols are white on dark]
Night-time Light Appearance [most symbols are white on white, invisible]
Daytime development encounters the opposite effect! Nice.

Assume that SF-Symbol document display issues can be managed in the appropriate development environment. However, San Francisco fonts appear problematic for public User environments. Forcing a comfortable technology tightness. Deploy SF fonts in development only. For example, building 3x3 navigation cubes with Sublime Text and pixelmator. Note that no symbols are html entities. NewYork has no symbol.
Ultimately, San Francisco fonts can play a part in development of online communications, expressed as web page development. That is, some SF Symbol Glyphs can be deployed as inspiration: Pixelmator PNG drafts optimally extending into a typography production to construct a dynamic cube glyph suited to navigable display Context. Wherein SF cube symbols represent a massive Design challenge.

Frankly, outside of totalitarian regimes, SF inspirations should represent a natural extension of community technology. Lawyer interest would be quite incidentally... minimal. Graphic artists’ involvement would be a tangible expectation. Not excluding typographers, naturally. The dyadic demonstration of human symbolism cultures, clearly explains the universal limitation of navigation to the arrow point. Cave man logic. SF cubic symbols tease innovation pushing human mental extension. Of course respecting the crippled limitations of a digital development font, creative vector display enhances that development environment. Apple only inspiration. Naturally. Love it!
Quote: "You can access system fonts in a standards-compliant way by utilizing the system-ui family. And in Safari 13.1 we introduced new standards-based keywords to access serif, monospace, and rounded forms."

MARKET DEVELOPMENT begins in the schoolhouse. Where is Apple? If so, why is Apple excluded? Who can fix this?

www .w3schools.com/icons/icons_reference.asp

So many questions. Too many questions, even?
Taking fair aim at the thread topic, Apple needs to better support web developers.

Designing and deploying even the most simple website is building an app to effectively run softwares in the web browser device. If that device is Safari and the market is Mac, countless instantiations and indeed countless kinds of hardware are involved in app design decisions. It did not take long for Google to find countless websites where San Francisco Font is deployed: Apple font families NewYork and SanFrancisco are cited as website fonts on countless sites, but we just clicked 'next' twice in a Google search to find these four.

css - San Francisco font on a webpage [https:// stackoverflow.com/questions/32660748/how-to-use-apples-new-san-francisco-font-on-a-webpage] - working css syntax variations include
{ font-family: 'SF Pro Text', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, 'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol'; } - stackoverflow.com

San Francisco Font Free Download [https:// boldfonts.com/san-francisco-font/] - Web page design - boldfonts.com
(developer.apple.com blocks boldfonts.com in this post)

Bonzer - San Francisco Font - BuyAFont [https:// buyafont.com/amp/font/bonzer-san-francisco-23722] - additional formats for website design (WebFonts) - buyafont.com
(developer.apple.com blocks buyafont.com in this post)

Used by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram | Website Design [https:// primarytech.com/fonts-and-colors-used-by-facebook-twitter-instagram-more/] - becoming a standard with social networks - primarytech.com
(developer.apple.com blocks primarytech.com in this post)

Stack Overflow as always is the most interesting, and from here it looks like Apple only accepts that link. The one's that followed may have been blocked by a single-link limitation. Website apps in a countless and diverse range are using SanFrancisco font.

System fonts are loud and clear system advertisements and device friendly personal assurances for all of us. There is always a best way to promote our systems. 3rd parties should not be left alone to promote what Apple should be promoting... Online communications benefit from more direct involvement. There must be the Apple group (even just a page) that supports how web developers use Apple system fonts in the construction of a website - woof facilitations, css syntaxes, etc’s... (somewhere?)

CSS Tricks [css-tricks(dot)com/snippets/css/system-font-stack/] shows how us Apple people can be Apple People and still let Others be (others). (Not that we have problems with others.) We really want to keep the web a better place for better devices. That said, Apple system are a universe beyond what other systems offer (e.g., Windows blotchy Courier, which Apple saves by doing a brain transplant on the font, incidentally). Anyway, the snippet below delegates all to where we belong, which is where I was hoping to take my publishing. Google search: css call system fonts...

@font-face {
  font-family: system;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 300;
  src: local(".SFNSText-Light"), local(".HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Light"), local(".LucidaGrandeUI"), local("Ubuntu Light"), local("Segoe UI Light"), local("Roboto-Light"), local("DroidSans"), local("Tahoma");

/* Now, let's apply it on an element */
body {
  font-family: "system";

See also, OS Specific Fonts in CSS [css-tricks(dot)com/os-specific-fonts-css/]

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YES: font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont Apple Fonts on Apple Devices

NO: font-family: <apple copyright fonts> Apple Fonts on non-Apple Devices

SF Fonts web font allowed?