DeviceCheck values appear to reset in Dev environment?

I'm testing out an app that will be using the DeviceCheck framwork / API to enable a one-time free trial. I'm testing using the deveopment URL provided in the documentation ( I had set the bits for one of my test iOS devices several days ago. Today when I went to do some additional testing the query_two_bits response came back with "200 Bit State Not Found" - what the API apparently returns for a device that has never had the DeviceCheck value set.

I tried it several times before I executed another update_two_bits call, which succeeded. Subsequent calls to the query endpoint returned 200 OK and the expected bit values.

It's probably worth mentioning that the unexpected behavior happened after I had deleted and re-installed the app. The app's bundle ID did not changed, but I did enable Push Notifications yesterday.

My question is: is the development version of DeviceCheck less "permanent" than the production version (i.e. does everything get deleted after X days)?

Or, unlike in the production environment, does deleting and reinstalling the app change something that causes DeviceCheck to not recognize the device by subsequently generated DC tokens?

Or does making a change to the app's configuration in AppStoreConnect (i.e. enabling Push) make some change that causes DeviceCheck to not recognize the device by subsequently generated DC tokens?

Or is it most likely that something has broken in my environment or code?

Thanks -S


I will support the idea!

I think it's 24h. Can anyone confirm?