Apple MusicKit SDK(Android) delay in playback

I'm trying to interface the Apple Musickit SDK to my android app. I'm facing a lot of delay at the start of a song which is heavily going to affect the user experience. To overcome this delay, I tried to add a few tracks(queueAdd1 is a apple music id) to the queue by doing the following-

List Q1 =  playerController.getQueueItems(); boolean canAppend = playerController.canAppendToPlaybackQueue();
List Q2 = playerController.getQueueItems();

But these songs are not getting added to the queue for some reason. Do I need to call playercontroller.prepare() also on this to add tracks to the queue?

Or is there a better way to load tracks faster?


Apple team, you'd made reference to the fact you're very active when it comes to MusicKit questions. It's 3 years later and the exceptionally slow spin up time for playback on Android is still very much an issue (your SDK is 3 years old too).

Can we get some clarity here?