Splash Screen is not shown when iPhone has App for debugging and Release App

I use Launch Screen.storyboard to show Splash Screen in xcode11.

When iPhone has only Debug App or Release App,Splash Screen is shown.

But when iPhone has both of them,Splash Screen is not shown.

When delete application → restart iPhone → install application,Splash Screen is shown again.

This problem is not related to iOS version.

I think this problem is caused by cache because I found similar issues.

But I can't understand why this problem is caused by cache.

If iPhone has same two applications,do their Splash Screens refer a same cache file?

It is well known that splash screen is cached.

Thanks for the reply!

I know it, too.

But I've never seen that the problem is caused by having two same applications.

Also, are there cases in which their splash screen refer a same cache file?

I don't know how cache is managed.

But system could well see that it is the same launchscreen and keep a single entry in cache.

However, what is surprising is when you write:

But when iPhone has both of them, Splash Screen is not shown.

What do you mean exactly ?

I'm sorry,my explanation is not enough.

I have released an app in Apple store,then download it.

And I installed xcode build app for debugging to my iphone .

So my iphone has two same app.

When my iphone has only released app or debugging app,splash screen is shown.

But, install released app

  → install xcode build app

  → launch a released app(splash screen is shown)

  → uninstall a relased app

  → install a released app

  → launch released app(splash screen is not shown!!)

Am I making sense..?

Splash Screen is not shown when iPhone has App for debugging and Release App