Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)

Xcode: 11.4.1

Device: iPhone 6s Plus
iOS: 13.5

Error: "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device."

I'm trying to deploy a simple HelloWorld app to my iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 13.5 from Xcode 11.4.1 but I keep getting the popup saying "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device." Xcode recognizes that the device is connected and the phone shows that its charging so I don't think it's a cable issue. Furthermore, I was able to deploy to this device two days ago when it was still running iOS 13.2. The issue started happening after I updated to 13.5. I'm not sure if the update is causing the issue but it seems that way. What can I do to get past this deployment issue?

Your iOS beta (not an update) requires the latest Xcode beta.


I don't think it's quite as simple as that. For example, my iPad Pro is running iOS 13.6 and just installed the XCode Beta 11.6, which according to the release notes supports iPadOS 13.6. Yet, I'm still getting this pop-up and can't push code to my iPad Pro because of it. An actual error message would be nice if someone knows how to dig a bit deeper.
I don't know for sure if it will help your case.

But I was getting the same error because I still had Xcode 11.6 selected.

So I went to Xcode>Preferences and under Locations I selected Xcode 12 at the Command Line Tools option.
After that I could launch the app without any issue.

Hope this helps somebody.
I'm getting the same error . I was initailly getting that I exceeded number of free devices. I updated my iPhone to latest update 13.6. That eliminated that error. How ever I'm now running into this other issue "Iphone 8 is not available, please reconnect the device"
I'm having the same problem iPhone X, iOS 13.6, Xcode 11.5. Does anyone have a solution yet?
Same error, an iPhone 7, iOS 13.6, Xcode 11.5
Same here iOS 13.6 and Xcode 11.6 ,
I was having this error as well. Xcode 11.6, iOS 13.6. iPhone 11.

I was about to do some dramatic reinstalls and if that didn't work maybe throw my computer out the window.

But then for some reason I thought to change the iOS Deployment Target from 13.0 to 13.6, and the error was fixed. Even after changing the iOS Deployment Target back to 13.0 it still worked.
Same error, iOS 14.0, Xcode 12.0-beta.
I changed iOS Deployment Target to 14.0, and I selected Xcode 12 at the Command Line Tools option, but none of them help!!!
Finally, I solved this issue by unpairing my iPhone and then restarting my iPhone and Mac.
Make sure to change Deployment Target and selected your Xcode version at the Command Line Tools option before restarting your iPhone and Mac.
I hope this can help you!
In click clear trusted computers. when you plug in again click trust and enter your passcode.
If you go to Window > Devices, it'll tell you a more detailed error message under your device. For me it was:

"To run on this device, please update to a version of Xcode that supports iOS 13.6.1. You can download Xcode from the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer website."

I started getting this problem once my iPhone updated to 13.6.1 overnight, and apparently my Xcode version (11.4) is too old to run with 13.6.1.
Same issue here. iOS development comes with a lot more hurdles than Android from my experience...
Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)