Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)

Xcode: 11.4.1

Device: iPhone 6s Plus
iOS: 13.5

Error: "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device."

I'm trying to deploy a simple HelloWorld app to my iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 13.5 from Xcode 11.4.1 but I keep getting the popup saying "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device." Xcode recognizes that the device is connected and the phone shows that its charging so I don't think it's a cable issue. Furthermore, I was able to deploy to this device two days ago when it was still running iOS 13.2. The issue started happening after I updated to 13.5. I'm not sure if the update is causing the issue but it seems that way. What can I do to get past this deployment issue?

Chawal E mari a na Tusi
Same problem with Xcode 12.1, iOS14.1 and iPhone 11ProMax. Restarting Mac, devices, nothings helps.
what worked for me was upgrading macOS to Big Sur 11.0.1 and installing the Xcode beta 12.3, my iPhone is 14.2
this is f*** stupid and only apple has this attitude to consumers by not giving a f. We need to demand more as we pay fees and buy their expensive crap devices.
last time EVER I update an apple shit device as they are pieces of shit
exactly the same problem, except I can't just update to Big Sur and then the newest Xcode as I don't have enough storage... Since Big Sur takes like 40 something GB to install.
macOS Catalina 10.15.7
iOS 14.1
XCode 12.2

Windows -> Devices and Simulators -> (Right Click iPhone) -> Unpair Device

(Xcode crashes)

On iPhone, disconnect and reconnect USB.
Trust this Computer? Trust

Should now be able to build an run your app on the device.
Every update is a pain.

For Xcode 12.2 I need to remove many things to have 40GB to update Xcode. Such a shame.

Apple please do something
Under Window->Devices and Simulators->(your device) you'll probably see a bunch of warnings:
Code Block The current device configuration is unsupported. This iPhone XS is running iOS 14.2 (18B92), which is not supported by Xcode 12.0.1.
Code: 601
Recovery Suggestion: To run on this device, please update to a version of Xcode that supports iOS 14.2. You can download Xcode from the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer website.

I installed the latest Xcode (12.2) - twice (4 hours) - the first time failed because Xcode was still open, and somehow could not resume. But now it is all working again. At least it didn't force me to upgrade to Big Sur first! I'll bet Xcode 13 will though - beware.
exact same issue and I don't have enough space to update to latest software but they require a update to allow iPhones to connect
First you should check you iOS system version whether or not match you xcode version.
I am also encounter the problems. I upgrade the iPhone system version to iOS 14.2 . The problem was fixed.
Xcode 12.2, Catalina and iOS 14.2. ... tried all but rebooting device worked! It was my last option.. I was running it on the device for several weeks then it stoped. Rebooting the device allowed Xcode to put my app on it for debugging.
This issue has been killing me for 3 hours until I found a simple solution 4 weeks ago: "Reboot your iPhone". Apple's error message should say "Reconnect or reboot your iPhone". My iPone is running iOS 14.2, Xcode 12.2 and Big Sur 11.0.1 on my new MacBook Pro.
Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)