iOS Safari Web Share API Level 2

Hello, I’m looking for a way to use the native iOS share sheet to share an image from a Web App running in latest Safari on iOS 13.4.1 Does anybody know a Safari (iOS) timeline for such Web Share Level 2 support (including image sharing)? I’d be happy to get any information about this. Thanks in advance! Philipp


It looks like they are starting to implement this into Webkit and roll it out in the recent beta versions of Safari 14.

I was able to get Web Share API Level 2 functionality (sharing an image from a web page to a friend through the Messages app) working correctly in Safari Tech Preview on desktop (with some bugs). Safari on iOS 14 as of beta4 has a flag in the settings to enable it, but it looks to only be partially working on there, as a share looks to get initiated correctly with a file attached, but no promise seems to get returned to let you know if it was a success or failure.

Hopefully they're still working on the implementation and it will be fully-functioning for the public release of Safari 14.

it will be available in Safari 15. Already available as a TP (Technical Preview)

It's behind a flag in iOS 14 and works in iOS 15.

I implemented in a small web app: You can find the needed JS code in:

I hope it helps.