Impact on existing iOS App by updating to the enhanced HTTP/2 based API from server side

I have an existing iOS application available on AppStore which has push notification implemetented. Currently we are using the legacy binary protocol in Server side while sending request to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) which will no longer support post of November 2020.

We are making changes to update this with enhanced HTTP/2 based API in server side to communicate with APNS, will this impact my existing iOS application? Do I need to make any changes / code changes from client (iOS App) side to make it compatible with my existing application?

No client-side changes are needed to move to the HTTP/2-based API. You may find that you need to send some new headers (`apns-push-type`) to send notifications to iOS 13 devices, but that's not exactly a function of which protocol you're using.

Impact on existing iOS App by updating to the enhanced HTTP/2 based API from server side