Using custom keyboard with an external bluetooth keyboard

I have developed a keyboard extension and my users have been yelling for support on external bluetooth keyboard.

AFAIK, Apple doesn't support this yet.

If this is true, I am wondering if anyone knows whether there is already an enhancment request for this or how do I submit an ER.

If this is not true, could anyone point me to the web page which instructs how to adopt external bluetooth keyboard for custom keyboard extension.

Thanks a lot



Did you ever get an answer to whether this is possible?

I would also like to know how to support external bluetooth hardware keyboards in keyboard app extensions in iOS!


Have you found any solution for you answer? I am having a same issue. Need to find a way to integrate my custom keyboard with physical keyboards such as iPad Pro smart keyboard, Logitech BT keyboard


No I don't, but I recently was told that GBoard and SwiftKey can be used with iPad Pro Smart Keyboard.

I don't own an iPad Pro so I couldn't test it.

However, I did test with my iPad Air with Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and it doesn't work.

I have been search the web for this and no luck for now...

If anyone knows this, please kindly reply.


Just wondering if you ever solved this?
