AppleTV and Panasonic Plasma display

My AppleTV does not seem to like my Panasonic Plasma TV. It is a 1080p 58" Plasma. Occasionally the AppleTV display will get all snowy/static-ey, then turn black completely and show nothing. Sometimes the display will come back after a few seconds, sometimes it won't and I will need to restart the AppleTV. The resolution in settings is set to Auto, and shows 1080p is select.

Where is the problem, with the AppleTV or the Panasonic chipset? Suggestions on how to debug and fix? It is unusable in the current state it is in.

I've had issues where older TVs will lose video signal temporarily when the device output is set to Auto. Setting the device output to a specific resolution worked for me to fix the issue.

Might be worth a try.

I also have this problem with my 2009 Panasonic Plasma TV.

The problem is that it doesn't seems to accept the 1080p setting from the Apple TV. If you set the resolution to 720p everything works fine.

I've had this exact same problem with another set top box hooked into my tv and the better solution provided by this box was to set it to 1080i.

Unfortunatly, this option is not (yet ?) offered by the new Apple TV.

Hope this helps.

Before assuming it's the TV and/or Apple chipset, I take it you have done all this stuff...

1. Tried a new HDMI Cable

2. Tried on a different TV

Yes, to #1 (try a different HDMI cable), but no to #2, unless it's the exact same make and model TV.

OP should file a bug report, especially if his TV worked fine with previous gen Apple TV units - it's not the only hardware issue discovered with the new Apple TV (Dev Kit)

My ATV works when connected directly to my Panasonic plasma, but does not work when connected via my Pioneer VSX-1124. Ug.

Interesting. Mine also works fine with my TC-50PS64 Panasonic plasma but has trouble with an el cheapo HDMI switch I was using. Directly connected it seems fine.

I have trouble with my Yamaha AV receiver as well...

Crossing my fingers all these HDMI issues are sorted in time for the GM.

If anything interferes with the HDCP over HDMI then "You may see periodic bands of static, or full screen static, flashing across your TV screen."

This is from

Could that have anything to do with it?

>My AppleTV does not seem to like my Panasonic Plasma TV.

Just as a data point, what is the model year on the unit and have you googled it for buggered HDMI issues in general, regardless of input?

If a fresh HDMI cable doesn't help, I'd wonder if the ATV's 1.4 HDMI spec isn't involved, somehow.

AppleTV and Panasonic Plasma display