Codesign "Keychain Always Allow" dialogs hangs

Dear developers,

We have changed our company name and have stored a new distribution cerificate from member center in keychain.

As alway we get a popup "Codesign wants to sign..." and three options buttons: Always Allow, Deny and Allow when we build with a new cert.

Before we just pressed Always Allow 3-4 times. It seems to be 3-4 stacked dialogs.

7.1 and 7.1.1 The dialog does not exit if Always Allow or Allow is presset. Only Deny works.

Any help on this isue is more than welcome. It is an major show stopper.

Thanks in advanced


Case solved. 🙂

It was the remote desktop (VNC) that caused the problem.


I am having this same issue with VNC, but how did you actually fix it?

I'm having the same issue. The Mac I'm trying to work on is leased from a hosting service so physically interacting with it isn't an option. Did you ever get this working?

I had this too.

As long as you run on El Capitan there is no option but disabling this feature from su.

We finally had to send someone to the data center in order to push the button.

Codesign "Keychain Always Allow" dialogs hangs