iPad Pro assets

Hey folks,

I have a question about the iPad Pro assets which I could not find a definite answer about in this forum or in the specs:

How do I use assets for the iPad Pro and in which resolution should an asset be created?

I have just installed the current Xcode Beta (Version 7.2 beta 7C62b) and looked into the assets folder. There, still, is only an iPad 1x-asset and an iPad 2x-asset to fill. I am not supposed to use 2x assets for the iPad Pro, am I? Surely the assets would look blurry when scaled to the iPad Pro resolution?

What is the correct way to do here?

Apps that natively support the iPad Pro will see a screen size of 1024x1366 points at 2x display scale (native bounds is 2732x2048). You can opt your iPad application into natively supporting the iPad Pro by including a Launch Storyboard and building with the iOS 9.1 SDK.

I would not rely on an asset catalog for iPP icons at this time.

iPad Pro assets