watchOS 2b1 wiped Activity data

Has anyone else experienced the Activity data completely gone when you restore from a backup?

I unpaired to backup the watch today and re-paired it again (with watchOS 1.0.1). After restoring from backup, my activitiy app shows the right activity graph and all the rewards and stuff but the 2 last days are empty. See screenshot.

I don't know if I should update my watch now... that *****...



I had the same experience, after the same steps you took (unpaired to create the backup). My activity rings for the previous and current day were reset.

It did sync my activity since installing watchOS 2, so it just looks like losing a couple of days of data is the price to pay for being on the cutting edge.

Seems like 🙂. But as the data is still there I hope we'll get the 2 days back on a future release 😉

Could it have been the iOS9 update that wiped it? I had the same issue and turns out that the HealthKit data isn't saved to an iCloud backup or a un-encrypted iTunes backup so all mine was gone too.

It's not watchOS 2, it's iOS 9.

Reading the iOS 9 release notes reveals that loss of Health data is a possible side effect of installing the beta, and that to avoid this you should make an encrypted backup to iTunes (unencrypted backups to iTunes and backups to iCloud don't backup Health data).

I lost mine too so how do I get my data back through my encrypted backup that does have the activity data?

But it is weird. I lost the rings in the activity app and also the amount of calories, steps etc. But the piles are still there... and I just checked my entries in the health app. Everything is completely there of these specific two days.

I think once this problem is solved we'll get our rings back 🙂

I do and its asks for your info over and over.

watchOS 2b1 wiped Activity data