iOS 8.3 - Core Telephony functions not working


I encountered this issue since updated to iOS 8.3. My application features are developed by using Core Telephony framework to get signal strength, LAC, CI, MNC, MCC and etc.

Environment Detail:

Development - Xcode 6

iOS 8.3

Device - iPhone 5S

Feature Detail:






Any idea?

Thank you.



Core Telephony is a public framework but it does not have public APIs for getting signal strength and so on. The routines you've mentioned are private and the iOS 8.3 sandbox has been updated to prevent you from calling them.

There are no public APIs for getting signal strength on iOS. If you'd like to see such support added in the future, I encourage you to file a bug describing your requirements.


Please post your bug number, just for the record.

Finally, if you're working on behalf of a carrier you should talk with your carrier about this issue.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"

Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

I can do this by [details of wildly unsupported technique removed]. Will Apple allow me to submit app to Appstore as there is no public api to get signal strength.?

I can do this by [details of wildly unsupported technique removed]. Will Apple allow me to submit app to Appstore as there is no public api to get signal strength.?

What you propose is completely unsupported and not appropriate for an App Store app.

At this point in time, 7 years into the evolution of the iOS SDK, I think it’s safe to assume that the lack of an API to get the cellular signal strength is not an accidental omission but rather a deliberate policy decision. Attempting to hack around this restriction will not end well.

In fact, this thread is a perfect example of how such hacks typically pan out: the unsupported approach described by nissolution in their original question stopped working in iOS 8.3 due to sandbox hardening.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
iOS 8.3 - Core Telephony functions not working