Hi guys I am really new to iOS development and very frustrated at the moment. One of the issues I have at the moment is a viewController that has a web view inside it. The view controller is linked to by a button on the main view controller and when navigated to the the tab bar is no longer at the bottom. When I connect up the tab bar with a segue then obviously there is a tab item created for the view. I have searched all day and cannot find how to simply show the tab bar on a view that is not connected to the tab bar controller or how to hide a tab bar item from the tab bar.
I have found some code but no one ever tells you where to actually implement this code. I feel like I have been walking into a wall since I started to develop on iOS and would appreciate any help as the issues I have been having have now delayed the app being launch by 4 days now. If anyone could help with this it would be greatly appreciated.