Removing "Personal Team" from my account

Hello Everybody,

I have 2 teams under my only Apple ID, a regular paid one (Agent) and a "personal team" (Free). I really want to get ride of "Personal Team" and its provisioning profiles since my XCode keep adding my bundle Identifiers to the free account and I have no control over them. I checked my developer panel but it seems that I can manage the free acount from there. Please let me know if there is way to fix that.

Thank you

  • Im having the same issue, its been 5years and seems there are no fixes

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Did you use the same apple id login for both? You may need to bifurcate those logins to fix the issue.

have you fixed it? and how do I bifurcate the logins

Make/have two Apple IDs, instead of using just one.

If you've already used one for both, you may need to contact Apple directly to straighten things out. Use the 'contact us' tree via iTunes Connect.

Did you find a solution to this?

Is contacting Apple the only solution here? I'm in the same boat.

Same issue here. There's no way to edit your (Personal Team).

You have to contact Apple via email to get them to delete the bundle id associated with your (Personal Team).

Does anyone know of a way to delete (Personal Team) from XCode to prevent this situation?

If you mean accounts, use Xcode prefs/ and then hit the '-' below to immediately remove.

Otherwise, team provisioning is a function of auto signing, when enabled (per app).

This assumes free provisioning - the team is a personal team vs. a (paid) member of the Apple Developer Program.

I face the same issue and I sent an email to Apple support.

They relay: "We can't do any deleting operation for any account".

Is there anyone resolved this issue successfully?

Has anyone fixed this problem ?

This just blindsided us too. Converting from a free to a paid membership shouldn't cause data loss. All those App IDs, keys and provisioning profiles should be transferrable (or at least allow you to release them for reuse).

I believe this has become a major issue for me. Xcode is showing my personal (I had to create this first before I could prove I have a company). I now have two in my xcode under 1 login and I believe this is causing the issue with automatic signing. I also can not create certificates under keychain access that are linked to my company account, it always defaults to the personal account I created originally.

I am using XCode 11.5

I resolved this issue by first selecting the personal team in the Xcode Siging & Capabilities section and changing the Bundle Identifier to another random identifier. Then I selected the paid team and set the Bundle Identifier to the preferred Bundle Identifier. Then I used the try agian button or re-create the Bundle Identifier and it worked.
Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of Dipo Down vote reply of Dipo
  • Thank you for posting your solution, worked great on Xcode 12.5.

  • This solution does not work for me permanently. The problem pops up again when you submit your app to appstore.

  • Thank you Dipo, great solution, that worked nicely.

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